Adrianna Soberka

BA (Hons) Interior Design

I believe that one of the main Interior Designers’ purposes is creating aesthetic experiences for people, concurrently providing resolutions for problems. Moreover, Interior Designers possess immense means for preserving world’s architectural heritage and revitalising obsolete objects, whilst acting for the benefit of the environment dilapidated by the mass production and consumerism culture. Simultaneously, their capabilities used wisely, should promote continuous improvement and maintaining symbiosis between wants and needs of people and the ecosystem.

Being driven by a particular ethos my projects’ foundations are based on an equilibrium between focus on language of a host building, narrative of the space, client’s culture, and social and environmental responsibility. The project development for me is like a transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. A complex process leading to unique outcomes, preceded by a great deal of researching, analysing, critiquing, learning, developing and achieving.

Drawing inspiration from distinctive ideas my ambitions revolve around creating exceptional and individual spaces, yet modernized and multi-functional. Tailored to the particular users’ requirements my projects strive to provide places for experience exceeding customers’ expectations and provoke smooth conversations between host buildings and new concepts.

Credaf mai un o brif ddibenion Dylunwyr Mewnol yw creu profiadau esthetig i bobl, gan gynnig atebion i broblemau’r un pryd. At hynny, mae gan Ddylunwyr Mewnol fodd aruthrol o ddiogelu treftadaeth bensaernïol y byd ac adfywio gwrthrychau darfodedig, wrth weithredu er budd yr amgylchedd sydd wedi’i ddadfeilio gan y diwylliant prynu a masgynhyrchu. Ar yr un pryd, o’u defnyddio’n ddoeth, dylai eu galluoedd hyrwyddo gwelliant parhaus a chynnal symbiosis rhwng dymuniadau ac anghenion pobl a’r ecosystem.

Gan eu bod yn cael eu sbarduno gan ethos arbennig mae sylfeini fy mhrosiectau’n seiliedig ar gydbwysedd rhwng ffocws ar iaith adeilad lletyol, naratif y gofod, diwylliant y cleient, a chyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol. I mi mae datblygu’r prosiect fel gweddnewid lindys yn bili-pala. Proses gymhleth sy’n arwain at ganlyniadau unigryw, a ragflaenir gan lawer iawn o ymchwilio, dadansoddi, beirniadu, dysgu, datblygu a chyflawni.

Drwy gael ysbrydoliaeth o syniadau unigryw mae fy uchelgais yn troi o gwmpas creu mannau eithriadol ac unigol, ac eto wedi’u moderneiddio ac yn amlswyddogaethol. Caiff fy mhrosiectau eu teilwra i ofynion y defnyddwyr penodol gyda’r nod o ddarparu lleoedd ar gyfer profiad sy’n rhagori ar ddisgwyliadau cwsmeriaid ac yn ysgogi sgyrsiau llyfn rhwng adeiladau lletyol a chysyniadau newydd.

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