Dan Kemble

BA (Hons) Product Design

I believe that design is more than just a practice, but a way of living and thinking. It means a focus on the details, and an understanding of the world that we live in, and, as an aspiring designer, I bring this way of thinking to every problem that I encounter. Design to me is the middle ground between art and science, and I believe that design is the way that we can make the human condition of living more appealing from an aesthetic and convenience standpoint. As a designer, my purpose isnt to create an attractive product, but to improve lives through creating a product suitable to its intended market, whilst being attractive.

Credaf fod dylunio’n fwy nag arfer yn unig, mae’n ffordd o fyw a meddwl. Mae’n golygu canolbwyntio ar y manylder, a dealltwriaeth o’r byd rydym yn byw ynddo, ac fel dylunydd uchelgeisiol rwy’n dod â’r ffordd hon o feddwl at bob problem y dof ar ei thraws. I mi, dylunio yw’r tir canol rhwng celfyddyd a gwyddoniaeth, a chredaf mai dylunio yw’r ffordd y gallwn wneud y cyflwr dynol o fyw yn fwy apelgar o safbwynt esthetig a chyfleustra. Fel dylunydd, nid creu cynnyrch deniadol mo fy niben, ond gwella bywydau trwy greu cynnyrch sy’n addas ar gyfer y farchnad arfaethedig, ac yn ddeniadol ar yr un pryd.

I was tasked to design a product that increases interaction within football for the more physically vulnerable footballer, aiming to create an attractive, inclusive, and supportive football boot. Particular attention was paid to the accessibility of the boot due to its main audience being individuals with physically limiting conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, focusing on the ergonomics and needs of the consumer. This project was working with the #endthestigma campaign, ending the stigma behind disability.

Cefais y dasg o ddylunio cynnyrch sy’n cynyddu rhyngweithio o fewn pêl-droed ar gyfer y pêl-droediwr mwy bregus yn gorfforol, gyda’r nod o greu esgid bêl-droed ddeniadol, gynhwysol a chefnogol. Rhoddwyd sylw arbennig i hygyrchedd yr esgid oherwydd mai ei phrif gynulleidfa oedd unigolion â chyflyrau sy’n cyfyngu’n gorfforol fel parlys yr ymennydd, gan ganolbwyntio ar ergonomeg ac anghenion y defnyddiwr. Roedd y prosiect hwn yn gweithio gydag ymgyrch #endthestigma, sy’n ymdrechu i waredu’r stigma sy’n gysylltiedig ag anabledd.

I was tasked to create a laser unit that must not resemble a weapon nor appear threatening but must still suit the visual styling of the intended audience. To do this I researched the related audience, as well as into what makes a weapon look intimidating, and veering away from this aesthetic. Also, the design must not hinder the user ergonomically, feeling as real as possible, holding essential components, and possible from an engineering perspective.

This product aimed at fulfilling a need for a new design and should reduce time needed in a morning routine, considering its fundamentals, and how to minimize time spent whilst also considering user needs. From this I created a coffee distiller that is linked to the smartphone of the users, working with their alarms to create a beverage before the alarm sets off, therefore eliminating elements of the routine and offering an improved wake up.

Nod y cynnyrch hwn oedd diwallu’r angen am ddyluniad newydd a dylai leihau’r amser sydd ei angen mewn trefn foreol, gan ystyried ei hanfodion, a sut i leihau’r amser a dreulir wrth ystyried anghenion defnyddwyr hefyd. O hyn, creais ddistyllwr coffi sydd wedi’i gysylltu â ffôn clyfar y defnyddwyr, gan weithio gyda’u larymau i greu diod cyn i’r larwm ganu, gan ddileu elfennau o’r drefn a chynnig gwell profiad deffro.

Collaboration with Adam Keen & Kyle Richards

A group-based project focused on collaboration and the circular economy. From our research we learned of an increase in casual collaboration, and from this created modular, geometric idea that can be formed into whatever structure any number of people can use. Based on a coffee shop environment more casual than a typical office, allowing for casual collaboration and work. From this we created a scalable triangular design that is limitless in terms of collaborative capabilities.

Gwaith ar y cyd rhwng Adam Keen a Kyle Richards
Prosiect grŵp yn canolbwyntio ar gydweithredu a’r economi gylchol. O’n hymchwil, gwnaethom ddysgu am gynnydd mewn cydweithredu achlysurol, ac o’r syniad modiwlaidd, geometrig hwn y gellir ei ffurfio i ba bynnag strwythur y gall unrhyw nifer o bobl ei ddefnyddio. Yn seiliedig ar amgylchedd siop goffi yn fwy achlysurol na swyddfa nodweddiadol, gan hwyluso cydweithredu a gwaith achlysurol. O hyn, gwnaethom greu dyluniad trionglog graddadwy sy’n ddiderfyn o ran galluoedd cydweithredol.

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