Eleanor Davies

BA (Hons) Product Design

I believe that design should be sustainable, whether that be through the choice of materials, the manufacture, how the product is used, or the service it provides. By doing so, product design should set an example to other industries, and pave the way in how we design and produce. I design products that encompass these themes, and I apply this ethos through the choices I make within the design process. I work with sustainable materials through an iterative design and user-centred process, which in turn drives change and focusses on key design decisions. My designs reflect both the importance of the environment and of helping people, and because of this I am interested in combining both medical design and eco design. I believe that through innovation and design improvements this can provide a beneficial impact on an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing, whilst at the same time benefitting our environment.

Credaf y dylai dylunio fod yn gynaliadwy, boed hynny drwy’r dewis o ddeunyddiau, y broses weithgynhyrchu, sut y defnyddir y cynnyrch, neu’r gwasanaeth y mae’n ei ddarparu. Drwy wneud hynny, dylai dylunio cynnyrch osod esiampl i ddiwydiannau eraill, a pharatoi’r ffordd o ran sut rydym yn dylunio a chynhyrchu. Rwy’n dylunio cynhyrchion sy’n cwmpasu’r themâu hyn, ac rwy’n cymhwyso’r ethos hwn drwy’r dewisiadau rwyf yn eu gwneud yn ystod y broses ddylunio. Rwy’n gweithio gyda deunyddiau cynaliadwy drwy broses ddylunio ailadroddol sy’n canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr, sydd yn ei dro’n sbarduno newid ac yn canolbwyntio ar benderfyniadau dylunio allweddol. Mae fy nyluniadau’n adlewyrchu pwysigrwydd yr amgylchedd a helpu pobl, ac o’r herwydd mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn cyfuno dylunio meddygol ac eco-ddylunio. Trwy arloesi a gwelliannau mewn dylunio, rwy’n credu y gall hyn gynnig effaith lesol ar les corfforol, meddyliol, emosiynol a chymdeithasol unigolyn, tra’n sicrhau budd i’n hamgylchedd yr un pryd.

HydroPod is a small modular hydroponic unit, which allows the user to grow fruit and vegetables indoors. The pods feed the nutrients directly to the plant, allowing the user to grow fresh produce without the need for a garden.

Uned hydroponig fodiwlaidd fach yw HydroPod, sy’n caniatáu i’r defnyddiwr dyfu ffrwythau a llysiau dan do. Mae’r codennau’n bwydo’r maetholion yn uniongyrchol i’r planhigyn, gan ganiatáu i’r defnyddiwr dyfu cynnyrch ffres heb fod angen gardd.

HydroPod can be used for several different types of plants, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and cutting flowers. The grow light can be adjusted as the plant grows, allowing for more space. The pods also clip together and power share, allowing the user to grow a different plant in each pod.

Gellir defnyddio HydroPod ar gyfer sawl math gwahanol o blanhigyn, gan gynnwys ffrwythau, llysiau, perlysiau, a blodau wedi’u torri. Gellir addasu’r golau tyfu wrth i’r planhigyn dyfu, gan ganiatáu mwy o le. Mae’r codennau hefyd yn clipio gyda’i gilydd ac yn rhannu pŵer, gan ganiatáu i’r defnyddiwr dyfu planhigyn gwahanol ym mhob pod.

This concept was part of a project we undertook with The Parsnipship, a south wales food brand. For this brief we designed food packaging for their to-go food range, which needed to fit into their eco-friendly ethos. The packaging needed to feature their pre-existing branding, along with being able to stand out from the shelves.

Roedd y cysyniad hwn yn rhan o brosiect a wnaethom gyda The Parsnipship, brand bwyd o dde cymru. Ar gyfer y brîff hwn, gwnaethom ddylunio deunydd pacio bwyd ar gyfer eu hystod bwyd i fynd, a oedd angen cydymffurfio ag ethos eco-gyfeillgar y cwmni. Roedd angen i’r deunydd pacio gynnwys eu brandio blaenorol, ynghyd â gallu sefyll allan ar y silffoedd.

This shows the progression of the packaging, from its original starting point (left), to the final mock-up (right). There were many changes were made to the packaging, such as adding windows to view the food, tapering the shape to fit the food more snuggly, and adding an easy to use closure.

Mae hwn yn dangos dilyniant y pecynnu, o’i fan cychwyn gwreiddiol (chwith), i’r model olaf (dde). Gwnaed llawer o newidiadau i’r pecynnu, fel ychwanegu ffenestri i weld y bwyd, meinhau’r siâp i ffitio’r bwyd yn well ac ychwanegu clo hawdd i’w ddefnyddio.

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