Jamie Price

BA (Hons) Product Design

My interest in design started at a young age, from sketching cross sections of aircraft carriers when I was in year 3. This passion, once kindled, turned into a fire for creation and practice problem solving.

I was never a conventional student, being dyslexic I had to work harder than most to keep up. But this instilled a work ethic that gives me the knowledge that hard work will always surpass talent.

Walking away from university, I have a strong understanding of how to effectively generate solutions to real world problems in short periods of time. Most importantly I have a plethora of skills to present those solutions in a professional and appropriate manner.

My main strength is that I can generate concepts from scratch using the medium of 3D design, allowing initial concepts to be generated and rendered in short periods of time. Throughout my degree I have managed to refine my ability to work within a team and the ability to delegate responsibility.

I look forward to further developing my product design skills through workplace application, and allow my solution to have real world effect.

Dechreuodd fy niddordeb mewn dylunio pan oeddwn i’n ifanc, o fraslunio trawsluniau o gludwyr awyrennau pan oeddwn i ym mlwyddyn 3. Ar ôl ei gynnau trodd yr angerdd hwn yn dân ar gyfer creu ac ymarfer datrys problemau.

Fues i erioed yn fyfyriwr confensiynol – gan fy mod yn ddyslecsig roedd rhaid i mi weithio’n galetach na’r rhan fwyaf i beidio â llithro yn ôl. Ond sefydlodd hyn etheg gwaith sy’n golygu fy mod yn gwybod y bydd gwaith caled yn rhagori ar ddawn bob amser.

Wrth ffarwelio â’r brifysgol, mae gennyf ddealltwriaeth gadarn o sut i gynhyrchu atebion yn effeithiol i broblemau go iawn y byd mewn byr amser. Yn bwysicaf oll, mae gennyf lu o sgiliau i gyflwyno’r atebion hynny mewn modd proffesiynol a phriodol.

Fy mhrif gryfder yw y gallaf gynhyrchu cysyniadau o’r cychwyn cyntaf gan ddefnyddio cyfrwng dylunio 3D, gan alluogi i gysyniadau cychwynnol gael eu cynhyrchu a’u rendro mewn byr o dro. Drwy gydol fy ngradd rwyf wedi llwyddo i fireinio fy ngallu i weithio mewn tîm a’r gallu i ddirprwyo cyfrifoldeb.

Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at ddatblygu fy sgiliau dylunio cynnyrch trwy eu defnyddio yn y gweithle, gan alluogi i’m datrysiad gael effaith yn y byd go iawn.

This is a rendering I do for the robot project, the robot was a charismatic air freshener; it would roam around your house and then every 30 minutes it would release a PUFF of fresh smelling air. This final render resulted in the production of an Industry standard prototype.

Dyma rendrad ar gyfer y prosiect robot, roedd y robot yn beraroglydd carismatig; byddai’n crwydro o amgylch eich tŷ, a bob 30 munud, byddai’n rhyddhau PWFF o berarogl ffres. Arweiniodd y rendrad olaf hwn at gynhyrchu prototeip o safon Diwydiant.

This is a car concept I came up with. I based the project off trying to manufacture a car based on tha song. Taking the way a slong was laid out and designing a car of that. This project included large volume of ideation as well lots of CAD development but yielded some one of a kind designs.

Dyma gysyniad a ddyfeisiais ar gyfer car. Seiliais y prosiect ar geisio cynhyrchu car yn seiliedig ar gân. Gan gymryd y ffordd gosodwyd y gân allan, a dylunio car ar y sail honno. Roedd y prosiect hwn yn cynnwys llawer iawn o syniadaeth yn ogystal â llawer o ddatblygu CAD, ond arweiniodd at rai dyluniadau unigryw.

One of the companies I work with in sport came to me and asked if I would want to design some possible paint jobs, so I generated their bikes using CAD and then applied a personal paint job, so that one day I could be racing.

Daeth un o’r cwmnïau rwy’n gweithio â nhw ym myd chwaraeon ataf a gofyn a fyddwn i eisiau dylunio rhai tasgau posibl yn ymwneud â phaent, felly lluniais eu beiciau gan ddefnyddio CAD a llunio cynllun paent personol, fel y gallaf fod yn rasio, rhyw ddiwrnod.

This is one of images from my major project that shows how the BLIP concept would be laid out in a field. The cones have pressure plates on them that allow users to tap the tops of the plates when they light up. Data can be collected to establish reaction time, as well as simulated bleep tests.

Dyma un o’r delweddau o’m prosiect mawr, sy’n dangos sut y byddai’r cysyniad BLIP yn cael ei osod allan mewn maes. Mae’r conau yn cynnwys platiau gwasgedd sy’n galluogi defnyddwyr i dapio topiau’r platiau pan maen nhw’n goleuo. Gellir casglu data i sefydlu amser ymateb, yn ogystal â phrofion bîp efelychiedig.

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