Jody Beddoes

BA (Hons) Illustration

As an illustrator you have the ability to share new perspectives with the world. These are extensions of the imagination, shedding light on things that otherwise may be viewed in a dimmer light. Although historic events cannot be undone or changed, we can understand them better, not only through what we read, but through other media as well. Illustration is my way of helping others better understand important times in history.

This project is about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986, focusing on what was left behind. Using bold visual compositions and the process of lino printing, I present a series of scenes and emblematic images from the environment, including a wolf representing the souls who remain in the exclusion zone. This was a time in history many would find easier to forget, yet the distorted natural life remains and is now thriving.

Informed by thorough research into the disaster and the environment, my prints are intended to reflect the untamed nature of what once was a bustling place, and convey a brooding sense of narrative and atmosphere. Dark and moody prints result from the time taken to perfect the process of lino printing.

I also love to make a 3D elements to accompany 2D work and making puppets is where I find the identity of a character. Made from clay and wire, the wolf gains a truer, more physical identity.

Fel dylunydd mae gennych y gallu i rannu persbectifau newydd gyda’r byd. Mae’r rhain yn estyniadau o’r dychymyg, gan daflu goleuni ar bethau a allai gael eu gweld mewn golau pylach fel arall. Er na ellir dad-wneud na newid digwyddiadau hanesyddol, gallwn eu deall yn well nid yn unig trwy’r hyn rydym yn ei ddarllen ond trwy gyfryngau eraill hefyd. Darlunio yw fy ffordd o helpu pobl eraill i ddeall adegau pwysig mewn hanes yn well.

Mae’r prosiect hwn yn ymwneud â thrychineb niwclear Chernobyl ym 1986, gan ganolbwyntio ar yr hyn a adawyd ar ei ôl. Gan ddefnyddio cyfansoddiadau gweledol eofn a’r broses o brintio leino, cyflwynaf gyfres o olygfeydd a delweddau arwyddluniol o’r amgylchedd, gan gynnwys blaidd sy’n cynrychioli’r eneidiau sydd wedi aros yn y parth allgau. Adeg mewn hanes oedd hyn y byddai’n well gan lawer i’w hanghofio, ond mae’r bywyd naturiol wedi’i aflunio’n parhau ac erbyn hyn mae’n ffynnu.

Bwriedir i fy mhrintiau, a gyfeiriwyd gan ymchwil drwyadl i’r trychineb a’r amgylchedd, adlewyrchu natur wyllt yr hyn a oedd ar un adeg yn lle prysur, ac maent yn cyfleu ymdeimlad trwmfyfyriol o naratif ac awyrgylch. Mae printiau tywyll ac oriog yn deillio o’r amser a gymerwyd i berffeithio’r broses printio leino.

Rwyf hefyd yn hoff iawn o greu elfennau 3D i gyd-fynd â gwaith 2D a gwneud pypedau yw ble y dof o hyd i hunaniaeth cymeriad. Mae’r blaidd, sydd wedi’i greu o glai a gwifrau, yn datblygu hunaniaeth fwy gwir a chorfforol.

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