Lia Colman

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman
  • Lia Colman

As a fashion designer from a small rural coastal place in West Wales, my passion within fashion design is driven by my Welsh heritage and national identity which has shaped me as the person I am today. My speciality in womenswear means that I love looking at classic and simple shapes that are flattering and loved, which is then enriched with textiles from my own craftmanship and textile manipulation that evokes a feeling along with beautiful storytelling. I always reference historical influences within my work because it’s a great interest of mine and always drawn a connection to as I believe that it’s evolved and defined who we are today, and because we learn from the past to live for the future, I believe that fashion should be the same.

Fel dylunydd ffasiwn o bentref arfordirol gwledig yng ngorllewin Cymru, mae fy angerdd am ddylunio ffasiwn yn cael ei gymell gan y dreftadaeth Gymreig a’r hunaniaeth genedlaethol sydd wedi fy ffurfio i fod yr unigolyn ydw i heddiw. Rwy’n arbenigo mewn dillad menywod, sy’n golygu fy mod wrth fy modd yn edrych ar siapiau clasurol a syml sy’n harddu ac yn fawr eu parch. Cyfoethogir hynny wedyn gan decstilau o’m crefftwaith fy hun a thrwy drin tecstilau sy’n ennyn teimlad ynghyd ag adrodd straeon hyfryd. Rydw i bob amser yn cyfeirio at ddylanwadau hanesyddol yn fy ngwaith oherwydd ei fod o ddiddordeb mawr i mi ac wedi fy nenu erioed. Rwy’n credu eu bod wedi esblygu a diffinio pwy ydym ni heddiw, a gan ein bod ni’n dysgu oddi wrth y gorffennol er mwyn byw i’r dyfodol, rwy’n grediniol y dylai ffasiwn wneud yr un peth.

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