Bert Jones

BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker

I believe that Making is one of societies’ last remaining connections to the more than human world; the wilderness of animals, vegetables and minerals. In Making we learn to go with materials, and in time begin to learn their immanent and gestural languages, affording a kind of perception that so many crave and so few experience. Furthermore, I believe that the material fluency of Makers – regardless of practice – reveals the vast human potential for intimate relationships with the post-anthropocentric world of tools and materials and an insight into a way of being that has an almost mystic air in the context of the modern day.

Anthropology, Phenomenology and Materiality drive my practice and are used to interrogate the nature of perception and its material roots within the context of contemporary craft. I strive for material fluency and finesse in all my works, in order to embody a level of material awareness that is lacking in society at large.

I make contemporary pottery for the home and the gallery, using traditional technologies combined with contemporary aesthetics. My pots are embodiments and discussions of my beliefs, and also serve to challenge the ever blurring boundaries between Art, Craft and Design as well as beauty and utility.

Credaf mai’r Gwneuthurwyr ydy un o’r cysylltiadau olaf sydd i’w cael â’r byd sy’n fwy na meidrol; y gwyllt lle ceir anifeiliaid, llysiau a mwynau. Gyda’r Gwneuthurwyr rydyn ni’n dysgu i symud gyda’r deunyddiau, ac ymhen dim dysgu eu hiaith fewnfodol ac ystumiol, gan gynnig math o ganfyddiad y mae llawer yn dyheu amdano a chyn lleied yn ei brofi. Hefyd, credaf fod rhwyddineb deunyddiau y Gwneuthurwyr – beth bynnag fo’u crefft – yn dadlennu’r potensial enfawr sydd gan ddynoliaeth i ddatblygu perthynas agos gyda byd ôl-anthropoganolog yr offer a’r deunyddiau ac yn fewnwelediad i ffordd o fodoli sydd ag iddo naws yn ymylu ar fod yn fytholegol yng nghyd-destun y cyfnod modern.

Caiff fy arferion eu gyrru gan Anthropoleg, Ffenomenoleg a Materoliaeth a defnyddir rhai i gwestiynu natur y canfyddiad a’i wreiddiau naturiol o fewn cyd-destun crefft gyfoes. Rwy’n ceisio am lithrigrwydd a chynildeb materol yn fy holl waith, er mwyn ymgorffori lefel o ymwybyddiaeth materol sy’n brin yn y gymdeithas sydd ohoni.

Rwy’n creu crochenwaith i’r aelwyd a’r oriel, gan ddefnyddio technolegau traddodiadol wedi eu cyfuno ag estheteg gyfoes. Mae fy llestri’n ymgorfforiad a thrafodaethau o’m credoau, ac hefyd yn fodd o herio’r ffiniau sy’n pylu’n barhaus rhwng Celf, Crefft a Dylunio, yn ogystal â phrydferthwch a defnyddioldeb.

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