Bryony Mulville

BA (Hons) Illustration

Bryony Mulville

The aim of this work is aimlessness.

My work reflects on the mundane moments in life. Day-to-day trivial experiences accumulate and become significant. Through image-making I explore the negative aspects of my life to reveal the value within. I use comics and illustrations, a common visual language, as a medium for communication.

What I hoped to achieve in creating this work was not anything spectacular. It is a documentation of my thoughts and feelings in such a way that can be understood by myself and, by extension, others. Maybe some people can relate to these images.

Maybe those who cannot will glimpse what it is like to suffer with depression and other mental health issues. The somber nature of my word simply reflects reality for many people. I dont pretend to be able to inspire people into suddenly getting ‘better’. I dont have the answers to fix anything. But I can provide a voice for such feelings and convey the message that you are not alone. That should count for something. If you are entertained or moved in any way by this collection of work then I have achieved my aim.
The world around us isnt always as bad as it seems. It does get better.

Nod y gwaith hwn yw’r di-nod.

Mae fy ngwaith yn adlewyrchu’r ysbeidiau bob dydd mewn bywyd. Mae profiadau dibwys beunyddiol dydd yn cronni ac yn datblygu arwyddocâd. Trwy greu delweddau, archwiliaf yr agweddau negyddol ar fy mywyd i ddatgelu’r gwerth tu mewn. Rwy’n defnyddio comics a darluniadau, iaith weledol gyffredin, yn gyfrwng ar gyfer cyfathrebu.

Nid oeddwn yn gobeithio cyflawni campwaith wrth greu’r gwaith hwn. Mae’n gofnod o fy meddyliau a’m teimladau, mewn ffordd y gallaf i a, thrwy estyniad, eraill eu deall. Hwyrach y gall rai pobl uniaethu â’r delweddau hyn.

Os nad all pobl uniaethu â nhw, efallai y cânt gipolwg i’r profiad o ddioddef iselder a phroblemau iechyd meddwl eraill. Dim ond adlewyrchu’r realiti i lawer o bobl y mae natur brudd fy ngwaith. Nid wyf yn esgus gallu ysbrydoli pobl i ‘wella’ yn sydyn. Nid oes gennyf yr atebion i ddatrys dim byd. Ond, gallaf roi llais i deimladau o’r fath a chyfleu’r neges nad ydych chi ar eich pen eich hun. Mae rhywbeth i’w ddweud am hynny. Os yw’r casgliad hwn o waith rywsut wedi’ch difyrru neu eich cyffroi, rwyf wedi cyflawni fy nod.
Nid yw’r byd o’n cwmpas wastad mor ddu ag y mae’n teimlo. Mae’n gwella.

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