Cai Roberts

BSc (Hons) Product Design

Cai Roberts

My attributions as a designer reflects aspects that inspire me in daily life. Characteristics of nature, the outdoors and sport are reflected in my personal style and I always try to work from my experiences and personal interests in my innovations. Growing up in rural North Wales has enabled me to thoroughly engage in outdoor pursuits and has opened my eyes to the complexities and necessities of nature and wellbeing. Through which I have developed a personal relationship with the outdoor lifestyle that is foundation in many of my projects. One of my main focuses as a designer is to include aspects of rural lifestyle to more urban landscapes often seen in large cities. Having lived in Cardiff for four years I have noticed how much can be done to improve the quality of life in urban cities by promoting a healthy and generally more active lifestyle. One of the ways I have done this is working to improve general dynamics in an office-based environment. Further, my interest in sport motivates me to advance on established innovations to improve and modernise the sport to keep up with technological and physical demands. My previous work has seen advancements in the fields of football and cycling.

Mae fy rhinweddau fel dylunydd yn adlewyrchu agweddau sy’n fy ysbrydoli mewn bywyd bob dydd. Adlewyrchir nodweddion natur, yr awyr agored a chwaraeon yn fy arddull bersonol ac rwyf bob amser yn ceisio gweithio o fy mhrofiadau a diddordebau personol yn fy arloesiadau. Mae tyfu i fyny yng Ngogledd Cymru wledig wedi fy ngalluogi i gymryd rhan yn llawn mewn diddordebau awyr agored ac agor fy llygaid i gymhlethdodau ac angenrheidiau natur a lles. Trwy hynny rwyf wedi datblygu perthynas bersonol â’r ffordd o fyw awyr agored sy’n sail i lawer o fy mhrosiectau. Un o fy mhrif ffocysau fel dylunydd yw cymhwyso agweddau ar y ffordd o fyw wledig i dirweddau mwy trefol a welir yn aml mewn dinasoedd mawrion. A minnau’n byw yng Nghaerdydd ers pedair blynedd rwyf wedi sylwi faint y gellir ei wneud i wella’r ansawdd bywyd mewn dinasoedd trefol trwy hyrwyddo ffordd o fyw iach ac yn gyffredinol yn fwy actif. Un o’r ffyrdd yr wyf wedi gwneud hyn yw gweithio i wella deinameg gyffredinol mewn amgylchedd swyddfa. Ar ben hynny, mae fy niddordeb mewn chwaraeon yn fy nghymell i ddatblygu arloesiadau sefydledig i wella a moderneiddio’r gamp i gadw i fyny â gofynion technolegol a chorfforol. Mae fy ngwaith blaenorol wedi gweld datblygiadau ym meysydd pêl-droed a beicio.

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