Cameron Noble-Smith

BA (Hons) Illustration

My aim is to connect people back to nature through the exploration of hidden treasures such as mushrooms and the interesting world of field mycology. Mushrooms are an in-depth organism that have intricate and vast networks that can span miles, each mushroom has unique characteristics that can range from hunting worms with their roots to helping with issues such as pollution and nuclear waste. Some types of funguses are able to break down some of the world’s most stubborn materials such as plastic and even rock. This is why I have decided to research and create work based on mushrooms and fungi in a way that helps a younger audience understand such a complex world.

I enjoy illustrating, photographing, and hunting mushrooms in a way that shares how fascinating these fungi are. After conducting primary research, I use animation and illustration to bring to life my interest in mushrooms and fungi and to create comedic characters. I want my work to be interactive and educational, engaging a younger audience whilst adapting to the use of technology. This is why my work is centred around my passion for mushrooms as my use of real-world textures from my photography, helps add depth to my digital illustrations. I want to create a fun and playful connection between the viewer and nature in a way that results in a positive interaction that does not disrupt or damage any plant or fungal life. Through the use of animation and an app, I intend to create an interactive interface which allows a younger audience a chance to use technology within a real-world context.

Fy nod yw ailgysylltu pobl â natur drwy archwilio trysorau cudd fel madarch a byd diddorol mycoleg maes. Mae madarch yn organeb fanwl sydd â rhwydweithiau cymhleth a helaeth sy’n gallu ymestyn am filltiroedd. Mae gan bob madarchen nodweddion unigryw, sy’n gallu amrywio o hela mwydod gyda’u gwreiddiau i helpu i reoli problemau fel llygredd a gwastraff niwclear. Mae rhai mathau o ffyngau yn gallu ymddatod rhai o ddeunyddiau mwyaf styfnig y byd, fel plastigau a hyd yn oed creigiau. Dyna pam rydw i wedi penderfynu ymchwilio i fadarch a ffyngau a chreu gwaith sy’n seiliedig arnyn nhw mewn ffordd sy’n helpu cynulleidfa iau i ddeall byd mor gymhleth.

Rwy’n mwynhau darlunio, tynnu ffotograffau a hela madarch mewn ffordd sy’n dangos pa mor ddiddorol yw’r ffyngau yma. Ar ôl cynnal ymchwil gychwynnol, rwy’n defnyddio animeiddio a darlunio i ddod â fy niddordeb mewn madarch a ffyngau yn fyw ac i greu cymeriadau doniol. Rydw i am i fy ngwaith fod yn rhyngweithiol ac yn addysgiadol, gan ymgysylltu â chynulleidfa iau wrth addasu i’r defnydd o dechnoleg. Dyma pam mae fy ngwaith yn canolbwyntio ar fy hoffter o fadarch, ac mae fy nefnydd o weadau o’r byd go iawn drwy fy ffotograffiaeth yn helpu i ychwanegu dyfnder i fy narluniau digidol. Rydw i am greu cysylltiad hwyliog a chwareus rhwng yr arsyllwr a natur mewn ffordd sy’n arwain at ryngweithio cadarnhaol nad yw’n tarfu nac yn niweidio unrhyw blanhigyn na bywyd ffwngaidd. Drwy ddefnyddio animeiddio ac ap, rwy’n bwriadu creu rhyngwyneb rhyngweithiol sy’n rhoi cyfle i gynulleidfa iau ddefnyddio technoleg mewn cyd-destun go iawn.

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