Changyao Guo

BA (Hons) Product Design

Changyao Guo

I think good design should be user-centered. As Ive illustrated with my work. Through investigation. I found that there are many tea drinkers in the UK, and the tea drinking culture has a long history. For tea lovers, a cup of tea is not only a refreshing effect but also a taste of different kinds of tea. Instant tea bags taste different from fresh tea leaves. However, there are many steps to making a cup of tea, and time is very precious for modern society. My first project was to provide an automatic tea maker. Simplify the tea making process as much as possible while retaining the flavor of different teas. The second work is a movable exhibition stand designed for disabled manual workers. The material of this exhibition stand is hardboard because it is light enough for people with disabilities to use. When they set up the exhibition, they can use loop and hook tape to fix one of the boards on the ground, then install hinge at the connection of the two boards, then slowly prop up the hardboard on the standing surface through metal rods connected with three supporting boards, and finally install metal frame through screws to support the table top of the exhibition stand. Workers can do it from a wheelchair.

Rwyf yn credu y dylai dylunio da fod â’r defnyddiwr yn y canol, fel rwyf wedi dangos gyda fy ngwaith. Drwy archwilio, fe ddes i wybod bod llawer o yfwyr te yn y DU, a bod hanes hir i’r diwylliant yfed te. I’r rheiny sy’n hoffi te, mae cwpanaid o de yn adfywiol ac yn gyfle i flasu mathau gwahanol o de. Bydd blas gwahanol gan fagiau te i’r blas o ddail te ffres. Fodd bynnag, mae angen sawl cam er mwyn gwneud cwpanaid o de, ac mae amser yn brin iawn yn ein cymdeithas fodern. Fy mhrosiect cyntaf oedd darparu peiriant te awtomatig. Symleiddio’r broses gwneud te gymaint â phosib ond cadw blas y mathau gwahanol o de ar yr un pryd. Yr ail ddarn o waith yw stand arddangos symudol wedi’i ddylunio ar gyfer gweithwyr llaw ag anabledd. Caledfwrdd yw’r deunydd ar gyfer y stand am ei fod yn ddigon ysgafn i bobl ag anabledd gael ei ddefnyddio. Pan fyddan nhw’n gosod yr arddangosfa yn ei lle, gallan nhw ddefnyddio tâp felcro i sicrhau un o’r byrddau ar y llawr, cyn rhoi colfach i gysylltu’r ddau fwrdd wrth ei gilydd, yna cynnal y caledfwrdd drwy ddefnyddio rhodenni metel wedi’u cysylltu â thri bwrdd cefnogol, ac yn olaf rhoi ffrâm metel gyda sgriwiau i gynnal y bwrdd ar ben y stand arddangos. Gall gweithwyr wneud hyn o gadair olwyn.

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