Cookie Chen

BA (Hons) Textiles

Xinyue (Cookie) Chen

The theme of choosing cats is because I have noticed that pet culture has become more and more popular in China in recent years, so I have thoroughly studied everything about cats. After studying a lot of different cats, I focused on a tiger cat. I focused on two places, one of which is the different body structures of the cat, such as their eyes, claws, tails, and so on. The second is where it travels. Around these two aspects to create a range of home fabrics, such as sofa fabrics, pillow design and curtain design.
My design is divided into light and dark parts, and the light part highlights the soft, cute side of the cat. The dark part highlights the cool, arrogant and fierce side of the cat, which is contrasted by the cats of the two different states, which are used to divide different home areas through different designs of fabrics. I chose velvet on the material because it has good color rendering and high degree of reduction. The material is skin-friendly and will be very comfortable to use at home. I chose printing on the production process. The biggest advantage of contrast embroidery is that there is no foreign body feeling that is raised. Comfort is the highest pursuit of my design.

Mae’r thema dewis cathod oherwydd i mi sylwi bod y diwylliant anifeiliaid anwes wedi mynd yn fwyfwy poblogaidd yn Tsieina dros flynyddoedd diweddar, felly rwyf wedi astudio popeth am gathod yn drwyadl. Ar ôl astudio llawer o gathod gwahanol, canolbwyntiais ar gath deigr. Canolbwyntiais ar ddwy agwedd, y mae un ohonynt yn strwythurau corff gwahanol y gath fel eu llygaid, crafangau, cynffonau ac yn y blaen. Yr ail yw ble mae’n teithio. O gwmpas y ddwy agwedd hon rwy’n creu amrywiaeth o ffabrigau cartref, fel ffabrigau soffa, dyluniadau clustog a dyluniadau llenni.
Mae fy nyluniad wedi’i rannu i ddarnau golau a thywyll, ac mae’r darn golau’n amlygu ochr addfwyn a thyner y gath. Mae’r darn tywyll yn amlygu ochr oeraidd, balch a ffyrnig y gath, a gwelir y cyferbyniad rhwng y cathod yn y ddau gyflwr gwahanol, sy’n cael eu defnyddio i rannu ardaloedd gwahanol y cartref trwy ffabrigau â dyluniadau gwahanol. Dewisais felfed ar y deunydd gan iddo rendro lliwiau’n dda ac mae ganddo radd uchaf o ostyngiad. Mae’r deunydd yn llesol i’r croen ac fe fydd yn gyfforddus iawn i’w ddefnyddio yn y cartref. Dewisais brintio fel rhan o’r broses gynhyrchu. Mantais mwyaf brodwaith cyferbyniol yw na chodir teimlad o ddarn estron. Cysur yw amcan pennaf fy nyluniad.

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