Ellen Regan

BA (Hons) Interior Design

My interest in interior design started very early in life, I grew up watching my father run his small furniture manufacturing business, where I could spend hours flipping through the pages of interior design, architecture catalogues and magazines; I was also able to observe with my innocent eyes, how wood was transformed into so many useful objects and ornaments by the hands of artisans, I can still smell the wood and sawdust… Since then, this interest has only grown, and it has led me to work more than 10 years with the furniture industry, dealing directly with designers and architects, and clients on their choices for their interiors. My trajectory at university brought me a lot closer to the technical part of the interior design creation process, but also opened my horizons and clarified my understanding of the importance of the material world and of the choices we make to create smarter, more ethical, and ‘consequential’ design.

I have always found the relationship between the natural environment and well-being fascinating, I believe this relationship also exists between colours, textures, lighting, and materials, can also be related to our well been, even with our cognition, direct or indirectly, and this is one of the realms of interior design I intend to explore more. I will have more time to read, study at my own pace, and work with what I love the most, transform environments, create a more beautiful and meaningful world through my practices. This learning process does not end here, it’s just the beginning, the trajectory at the university only increased my desire to continue learning.

Dechreuodd fy niddordeb mewn dylunio mewnol yn gynnar iawn mewn bywyd, tyfais i fyny yn gwylio fy nhad yn rhedeg ei fusnes gweithgynhyrchu dodrefn bach, lle gallwn dreulio oriau yn gwibio trwy dudalennau dylunio mewnol, catalogau pensaernïaeth a chylchgronau; Roeddwn hefyd yn gallu arsylwi â’m llygaid diniwed, sut y cafodd pren ei drawsnewid yn gymaint o wrthrychau ac addurniadau defnyddiol gan ddwylo crefftwyr, rwy’n dal i allu arogli’r pren a’r llwch llif … Ers hynny, mae diddordeb hwn wedi tyfu, ac mae wedi fy arwain i weithio mwy na 10 mlynedd gyda’r diwydiant dodrefn, gan ddelio’n uniongyrchol â dylunwyr a phenseiri, a chleientiaid ar eu dewisiadau ar gyfer eu dylunio mewn. Daeth fy llwybr yn y brifysgol â mi yn llawer agosach at ran dechnegol y broses creu dylunio mewnol, ond hefyd agorodd fy ngorwelion ac egluro fy nealltwriaeth o bwysigrwydd y byd materol a’r dewisiadau a wnawn i greu dyluniadau mwy craff, mwy moesegol a ‘chanlyniadol’.

Rwyf bob amser wedi gweld y berthynas rhwng yr amgylchedd naturiol a lles yn hynod ddiddorol. Rwy’n credu bod y berthynas hon hefyd yn bodoli rhwng lliwiau, gweadau, goleuo, a deunyddiau, y gall hefyd fod yn gysylltiedig â’n lles ni, hyd yn oed gyda’n gwybyddiaeth, yn uniongyrchol neu’n anuniongyrchol, a dyma un o feysydd dylunio mewnol yr wyf yn bwriadu ei archwilio ymhellach. Bydd gen i fwy o amser i ddarllen, astudio ar fy nghyflymder fy hun, a gweithio gyda’r hyn rydw i’n ei garu fwyaf, trawsnewid amgylcheddau, creu byd mwy prydferth ac ystyrlon trwy fy arferion. Nid yw’r broses ddysgu hon yn dod i ben yma, dim ond y dechrau ydyw, dim ond cynyddu fy awydd i barhau i ddysgu a wnaeth y llwybr yn y brifysgol.

• https://ellenafaria.wixsite.com/ellenreganinterior

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