Ellie Stitfall

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My current practice involves a collaborative element by asking people what their recent dreams have been; however crazy or mundane, so I can work collectively with their ideas and my own artistic influence, to create a visually engaging artwork of the imagination. I am interested in exploring dreams and the visual realms that can be created when using them for inspiration in my collages. By being given an objective and an idea from someone else, how that can be translated into a collage through the influence of my imagination. I’m exploring the impact of imagery in my current practice, how photos can have such a vital role in creating a visual scene of the imaginary, especially when trying to recreate a dream from someone else’s imagination. I am interested in the transformation that will undoubtedly occur between the experience of the dream by the original person, to how it will be translated into artwork by myself through using collage as a medium. The person whose dream the collage was inspired by, will hopefully not recognise the final artwork as it has been processed through my own imagination, their reaction to it is also something I find valuable in my work.

Mae fy ymarfer cyfredol yn ymwneud ag elfen gydweithredol drwy ofyn i bobl am eu breuddwydion diweddar; waeth pa mor wallgof neu ddiddrwg-didda, er mwyn i mi allu gweithio’n gyfunol gyda’u syniadau a’m dylanwad artistig fy hun i greu gwaith celf gweledol ddeniadol o’r dychymyg. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn archwilio breuddwydion a’r byd gweledol y gellir ei greu o’u defnyddio fel ysbrydoliaeth yn fy ngwaith collage. Drwy gael syniad a phwrpas gan rywun arall, sut mae modd trawsblannu hwnnw i waith collage dan ddylanwad fy nychymyg. Rwy’n archwilio effaith delweddau ar fy ymarfer cyfredol, sut y gall ffotograffau gael rôl mor allweddol wrth greu golygfa weledol o’r dychmygol, yn enwedig wrth geisio ail-greu breuddwyd o ddychymyg rhywun arall. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb yn y trawsffurfiad sy’n siŵr o ddigwydd rhwng profiad y freuddwyd gan y person gwreiddiol, i’r modd y caiff ei throsi’n waith celf gennyf i drwy ddefnyddio collage fel cyfrwng. Gobeithio na fydd y person y defnyddiwyd ei freuddwyd i ysbrydoli’r collage yn adnabod y gwaith celf terfynol am y bydd wedi cael ei brosesu gan fy nychymyg fy hun, bydd eu hymateb iddo yn rhywbeth a fydd yn werthfawr yn fy ngwaith.

• https://www.instagram.com/elliestitfall.art

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