Elliot Lurmarl Leachman

BA (Hons) Graphic Communication

Elliot Lurmarl Leachman

The All-Natural Alternative Product To Reliving Stress And Anxiety

This project explores the issues relating to anxiety from kids as young as 11-14 with mental deficiencies such as ADHD and autism and explores natural ingredients like natural chicle that helps the brain to work more efficiently by relieving stress in the most natural form, changing the mood to a calmer mindset.

Anxiety or ‘Depression’ is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that in some case can be mild or severe. Everyone in today’s world has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life, an example can stem from feeling worried or anxious about undergoing a job interview, or in some have low sense of confidence. However, in recent studies indicate a high concern over children’s mental well-being, in terms of feeling serve anxiety when sitting their exams, this has a detrimental effect on their progress with their education, which does hint signs of suicidal thoughts.

Taking prescription medication to tackle the problem, doesn’t translate naturally to calm them, like it does when children go outside and play with freedom. The ability to cure stress with anxiety, the way you can with exercise to some extent, is near impossible. So, for children, which suffers with autism and ADHD, which are considered to have behavior issues, having a chewing gum to chew can be used, which studies have shown it has positive benefits that helps with the blood flow to the brain, by keeping focus and attention especially in the classroom.

Cynnyrch Hollol Naturiol I Liniaru Strès A Phryder

Mae’r prosiect hwn yn ystyried problemau pryder ymhlith plant mor ifanc ag 11 i 14 oed gydag anhwylderau meddyliol, megis ADHD ac awtistiaeth ac mae’n edrych ar gynhwysion naturiol megis gwm cnoi naturiol ‘chilce’ sy’n helpu’r ymennydd i weithio‘n fwy effeithlon drwy liniaru strès yn y dull mwyaf naturiol, gan wneud yr unigolyn i deimlo’n dawelach.

Mae Pryder neu ‘Iselder‘ yn deimlad o anesmwythyd megis gofid neu fraw a all fod yn ysgafn neu’n ddifrifol. Mae pawb yn y byd sydd ohoni’n teimlo’n bryderus ar rai adegau yn ystod eu bywyd, gall ddeillio o ansicrwydd neu bryder am fynychu cyfweliad am swydd neu o ddiffyg hunan hyder mewn rhai pobl. Fodd bynnag, mae astudiaethau diweddar yn dangos bod achos pryderu dros lesiant meddyliol plant o ran teimlo’n ddifrifol o bryderus adeg sefyll arholiadau; mae hyn yn cael effaith andwyol ar eu cynnydd addysgol a allai arwain at goleddu syniadau o hunanladdiad.

Dydy cymryd meddyginiaeth presgripsiwn i fynd i‘r afael â’r broblem ddim yn eu tawelu’n naturiol fel mae mynd allan a chwarae’n rhydd yn ei wneud. Mae hi bron yn amhosibl i allu gwella strès gyda phryder yn yr un modd y gallwch gydag ymarfer. Felly, i blant sy’n dioddef o awtistiaeth ac ADHD a ystyrir bod ganddyn nhw broblemau ymddygiad, gellir rhoi gwm iddyn nhw gnoi ac mae ymchwil wedi dangos bod iddo fanteision positif sy‘n helpu’r gwaed i lifo i’r ymennydd a helpu i gadw ffocws a thalu sylw yn enwedig yn yr ystafell ddosbarth.


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