Emilie-kay Kemp

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My practice has been created using digital mediums, video and animation. I am able to play with imagery through these mediums. I especially enjoy editing, as it allows for more expressive elements within my piece. Video and animation allow for a range of visual stimuli to be shown. I have chosen a unifying theme, Truth Beauty Lies. The theme encompasses the idea of looking through false beauty to see lies and half-truths conjured up by what the public views on the television daily and focus on the real truth about the environment by ‘seeing, looking and thinking’ about environmental world issues/animals.

My work considers themes such as climate change, pollution and animals in a human world with added political elements. I want my work to cover a broad spectrum of issues about these topics as I believe they are important and connect in various abstracted ways. I have found outside influences to be more applicable to my practice this year than specific artist research, one example includes the writings by Aldo Leopold within his ‘Sand County Almanac’ which focuses on an environmentalist view of the world. Many of the themes have been brought on through writings and poems and are an expression of them resulting in video and illustrative animated pieces.

I would like my work to be thought-provoking and bring forward the attention of environmental world issues in consideration with animal life without demanding anything except respect back.

Cafodd fy ymarfer ei greu drwy ddefnyddio cyfryngau digidol, fideo ac animeiddio. Rwy’n gallu chwarae â delweddau drwy’r cyfryngau hyn. Rwy’n mwynhau golygu yn enwedig gan ei fod yn caniatáu cynnwys elfennau sy’n mynegi mwy yn y darn. Bydd fideo ac animeiddio yn galluogi ystod o ysgogiadau gweledol i gael eu dangos. Rwyf wedi dewis thema sy’n uno, sef Gwirionedd Harddwch Celwydd. Mae’r thema’n cwmpasu’r syniad o edrych drwy ffug harddwch i gael gweld celwyddau a phethau lled-wir sy’n cael eu llunio pan fydd y cyhoedd yn gwylio’r teledu bob dydd, a chanolbwyntio ar y gwirionedd go iawn am yr amgylchedd drwy ‘weld, edrych a meddwl’ am faterion amgylcheddol y byd/anifeiliaid.

Mae fy ngwaith yn ystyried themâu megis newid yn yr hinsawdd, llygredd ac anifeiliaid mewn byd dynol gydag elfennau gwleidyddol wedi’u hychwanegu. Rwyf am i’m gwaith ymestyn ar draws sbectrwm eang o faterion ar y pynciau hyn gan fy mod yn credu eu bod nhw’n bwysig ac yn cysylltu â’i gilydd mewn gwahanol ffyrdd anuniongyrchol. Rwyf wedi canfod bod dylanwadau o’r tu allan yn fwy perthnasol i’m hymarfer eleni nag ymchwil artist penodol. Mae un enghraifft yn cynnwys gwaith ysgrifennu Aldo Leopold yn ei ‘Sand County Almanac’ sy’n canolbwyntio ar ffordd amgylcheddwr o weld y byd. Daeth llawer o’r themâu i fod drwy waith ysgrifennu a cherddi ac maen nhw’n fynegiant ohonynt: y canlyniad fu darnau fideo a rhai darluniadol wedi’u hanimeiddio.

Hoffwn i’m gwaith wneud i bobl feddwl ac i roi sylw i broblemau’r byd amgylcheddol o ran bywydau anifeiliaid a hynny heb fynnu dim yn ôl heblaw parch.

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