Ffion Eleri Hughes

BA (Hons) Graphic Communication

Ffion Eleri Hughes

University is like playing one big game, there are some good days and some bad days. The title ‘All fun and games’ should suggest how university life is an exciting time, with many challenges, however after you look past all of the positives there’s also a negative side to it.The aim of my project is to raise awareness of Mental Health in young people attending university. Inspired by the quote, “Young people have the lowest levels of happiness and confidence in their emotional health”. Following my research I discovered that many events or things may affect an individuals mental well-being at university, for example, unhealthy habits, substance abuse, living independently, financial pressures and the stress of university work.

I discovered that many young people tend to avoid opening up about their Mental Health. This is usually because they are unsure about the models of Mental Health, or because they were too embarrassed to share their problems with others. I have used the visual style of my project to exploit student life in its rawest form, as well as tacking a different visual approach for the subject of Mental Health. Through this visual style I want to inspire young people to feel comfortable opening up about their problems.

Mae bod yn y Brifysgol fel chwarae gêm fawr, mae rhai diwrnodau da a rhai diwrnodau gwael. Dylai’r teitl ‘All fun and games’ awgrymu bod bywyd yn y brifysgol yn gyfnod cyffrous, gyda llawer o heriau, fodd bynnag, ar ôl edrych y tu hwnt i’r holl nodweddion cadarnhaol, mae ochr negyddol iddo hefyd. Nod fy mhrosiect yw codi ymwybyddiaeth o iechyd meddwl ymysg pobl ifanc sy’n mynd i’r brifysgol. Cefais fy ysbrydoli gan y dyfyniad, “Young people have the lowest levels of happiness and confidence in their emotional health”. Yn dilyn fy ngwaith ymchwil, dysgais fod llawer o ddigwyddiadau neu bethau a all effeithio ar lesiant meddwl unigolyn yn y brifysgol, er enghraifft, arferion afiach, camddefnyddio sylweddau, byw’n annibynnol, pwysau ariannol a straen bywyd yn y brifysgol.

Dysgais fod llawer o bobl ifanc yn tueddu i osgoi siarad yn agored am eu hiechyd meddwl. Fel arfer, mae hyn am eu bod yn ansicr ynghylch modelau iechyd meddwl, neu am eu bod yn teimlo gormod o gywilydd i rannu eu problemau ag eraill. Rwyf wedi defnyddio arddull gweledol fy mhrosiect i ddangos bywyd myfyrwyr ar ei ffurf fwyaf crai, yn ogystal â defnyddio dull gweledol gwahanol i drin iechyd meddwl. Drwy’r arddull gweledol hwn, rwyf am ysbrydoli pobl ifanc i deimlo’n gyfforddus i fod yn agored am eu problemau.


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