Finlay Bellamy

BA (Hons) Product Design

As a Product Designer, I am well educated in the steps taken in order to create a good product, from the initial idea to the final outcome. I have covered each step and developed what it takes to create a successful solutions and what attributes are required to fulfil outcomes. I have a natural ability to work within a team and take lead when necessary, delegate roles and problem solve while providing my own input and skillset. Over the last three years I feel I have really grown not only as a Product Designer but also a future professional taking my skills and practices to the next level.

Fel dylunydd cynnyrch, rwy’n hyddysg ynghylch y camau sydd eu hangen er mwyn creu cynnyrch da, o’r syniad cychwynnol i’r canlyniad terfynol. Rydw i wedi ymdrin â phob cam ac wedi datblygu’r hyn sydd ei angen i greu atebion llwyddiannus a’r priodoleddau sydd eu hangen i gyflawni canlyniadau. Mae gen i allu naturiol i weithio mewn tîm a chymryd yr awenau pan fo angen, dirprwyo rolau a datrys problemau wrth ddarparu fy nghyfraniad a’m sgiliau fy hun. Dros y tair blynedd diwethaf rwy’n teimlo fy mod wedi tyfu nid yn unig fel dylunydd cynnyrch ond hefyd fel gweithiwr proffesiynol yn y dyfodol gan ddatblygu fy sgiliau a’m hymarfer i’r lefel nesaf.


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