Freja Myfanwy George

BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker

As a maker, it is my belief that objects should invite people to touch them, to play with them, to engage and experiment. I enjoy creating interactive, kinetic pieces of tableware, where form is important for pleasure of touch and to produce enjoyable silhouettes. Emotional values are added from the tactile pleasures of my making processes, this then continues with the user’s own sensorial memories and experiences with the objects.

Rotational Dynamics
Taking inspiration from the Op Art movement and responding to Robert Louis Stevenson, who stated ‘he plays with his material as a child plays with a kaleidoscope’ (Stevenson, 1887, p157), this body of work has been created to celebrate the wood’s natural, diverse colour palette, using a combination of modern and traditional methods and technologies to design bowls that spin, triggering memorising optical illusions.

Inviting the user to experience their own embodied ‘cognitive operation’ (Arnhelm, 1969, p13), promoting learning through the senses, through kinaesthetic discovery. The interchangeable handles promote and enhance the function’s accomplishment in relation to sensory learning. Created with the fusion of experience, function and interaction in mind, this bowl was the playful, experimental outcome. There is no right or wrong use for the handles, only innovative ones.

The objects empower wandering minds, centralise kinetic energy and inject fun in to the day to day kitchen activities.

A minnau’n wneuthurwr, rwy’n credu y dylai gwrthrychau wahodd pobl i gyffwrdd â nhw, i chwarae â nhw, i ymgysylltu ac i arbrofi. Rwyf yn mwynhau creu llestri bwrdd rhyngweithiol, cinetig lle mae ffurf yn bwysig er mwyn y pleser o gyffwrdd a chynhyrchu silwetiau y gellir eu mwynhau. Mae pleserau cyffwrdd fy mhrosesau gwneud yn ychwanegu gwerth emosiynol sy’n parhau drwy atgofion synhwyraidd a phrofiadau y defnyddiwr ei hunan gyda’r gwrthrychau.

Rotational Dynamics
Gan gymryd ysbrydoliaeth oddi wrth y mudiad pop art ac ymateb i Robert Louis Stevenson, a ddwedodd ‘he plays with his material as a child plays with a kaleidoscope’ (Stevenson, 1887, t157), cafodd y gwaith hwn ei greu i ddathlu palet lliw naturiol, amrywiol y pren drwy ddefnyddio cyfuniad o ddulliau a thechnolegau modern a thraddodiadol er mwyn dylunio powlenni sy’n troi gan greu twyll llygaid cofiannol.

Gwahodd y defnyddiwr i brofi eu ‘cognitive operation’ (Arnhelm, 1969, t 13) ymgorfforedig nhw eu hunain, hyrwyddo dysgu drwy’r synhwyrau, drwy ddarganfod cinesthetig. Mae’r dolenni y gellir eu cyfnewid yn hyrwyddo ac yn gwella’r bowlen derfynol o ran dysgu synhwyraidd. Cafodd y bowlen hon ei chreu drwy asio’r profiad, y rôl a’r rhyngweithio, i sicrhau canlyniad arbrofol, chwareus. Does dim defnydd cywir neu anghywir i’r dolenni, dim ond defnyddiau newydd.

Mae’r gwrthrychau’n grymuso meddyliau crwydrol, yn canoli egni cinetig ac yn chwistrellu hwyl i weithgareddau arferol y gegin.

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