Harri Hughes

BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker

Machine Making

Machine Making explores the development of autonomous manufacturing devices, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with 3D printing clay, and developing novel approaches to ceramic manufacture.

Drawing inspiration from my interest in throwing, I have developed a rotating print bed which mirrors the spinning potter’s wheel, the addition of an automated rib mechanism enables the machine to alter and manipulate the 3D printed clay.

This research is an exploration in how processes associated with throwing can also be applied to the 3D printed form, it is an attempt to imitate this sensory mode of making through mechanical process. Throwing is a profound sensory mode of making, where a haptic relationship is formed between maker and material, each influencing and informing the other. Attempting to imitate and automate such a complex and intangible experience is fraught with difficulty.

The project has also involved the development of my own clay recipes for printing, in the attempt to discover the perfect clay which doesn’t shrink too much when fired, and moves freely when extruded, while also being firm enough to maintain its structure.

Further development could see the addition of other automated processes, including a drying tunnel, and handle attaching device. The dual-axis armature can also hold a plethora of tools, from cutting wires to decorating bushes; the possibilities are endless.

Gwneud Peiriannau

Mae ‘Gwneud Peiriannau’ yn ystyried datblygiad dyfeisiadau gweithgynhyrchu ymreolaethol, gan wthio ffiniau yr hyn sy’n bosibl drwy gyfrwng clai argraffu 3D, a datblygu dulliau newydd o gynhyrchu cerameg.

Drwy gael fy ysbrydoli gan fy niddordeb mewn taflu, rwyf wedi datblygu gwely argraffu sy’n cylchdroi ac yn adlewyrchu’r troi sy’n digwydd ar olwyn crochenydd, ac mae ychwanegu mecanwaith cefnen awtomataidd yn galluogi’r peiriant i newid a manipiwleiddio’r clai 3D printiedig.

Archwiliad o’r modd y gellir defnyddio prosesau sy’n ymwneud â thaflu ar gyfer y ffurf 3D printiedig yw’r ymchwil hwn, mewn ymgais i ddynwared y modd synhwyrus yma o greu drwy broses fecanyddol. Mae taflu yn fodd hynod synhwyrus o greu, lle y ffurfir perthynas gyffyrddiadol rhwng yr un sy’n creu a’i ddeunydd, gyda’r naill yn dylanwadu ar y llall ac yn ei lywio. Mae ceisio dynwared ac awtomeiddio’r fath brofiad cymhleth ac anghyffyrddadwy yn frith o anawsterau.

Mae’r prosiect yn ymwneud hefyd â datblygu fy ryseitiau clai fy hun ar gyfer argraffu, mewn ymgais i ddatgelu’r clai perffaith nad yw’n lleihau gormod wrth ei danio, ac yn symud yn hawdd wrth ei allwthio, gan ddal yn ddigon caled i gynnal ei strwythur.

Dylai datblygiad pellach weld ychwanegu prosesau awtomeiddiedig eraill, yn cynnwys twnnel sychu, a dyfais cysylltu dolen. Gall y fframwaith ddwy echel hefyd ddal amrywiaeth o offer, o dorri gwifrau i addurno llwyni; mae’r posibiliadau’n ddiddiwedd.

• https://www.instagram.com/hch.3d/

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