Iola Elisabeth Myerscough

BA (Hons) Textiles

I am a surface pattern designer specialising in illustrative design. Through prints and patterns, I create narratives and express deeper meanings through my artwork.

Boho Road Trip is a travel and adventure inspired multi-use stationery and outdoor accessory collection with a bohemian aesthetic, in line with the rising trends of post-covid travel and the ‘Van Life’ movement. As an avid adventure seeker, my enthusiasm for simple outdoor living has been inspiration for this collection. A mix of prints and patterns created digitally, the collection focuses on two different road trip destinations of the beach and the mountains which form two sub-collections ‘Waves For Days’ and ‘Peak Seeker’.

I aim to create moments of idyllic escapism and serenity, inviting people to look up from the mundanity of life, pause and seek horizons beyond the borders of their neighbour’s back garden. I particularly love illustrating everyday scenarios which are relatable yet endeavour to encourage and affirm unconventionality and wellbeing. My faith in Jesus has a large influence on my art and encourages me to explore the themes of freedom, acceptance and joy. Whether overtly or less directly, I create designs to stir a sense of longing, awe and hope. My work stems from Creation, particularly my fascination in people; both their unique, diverse individuality and their interaction with each other and the nature around them.

Rwy’n ddylunydd patrymau arwyneb sy’n arbenigo mewn dylunio darluniadol. Trwy brintiau a phatrymau, rwy’n creu straeon ac yn mynegi ystyron dyfnach drwy fy ngwaith celf.

Mae Boho Road Trip yn gasgliad o ddeunyddiau ysgrifennu ac ategolion awyr agored aml-ddefnydd wedi’i ysbrydoli gan deithio ac antur gydag estheteg fohemaidd, yn unol â thueddiadau cynyddol teithio ar ôl covid a’r mudiad ‘Van Life’. Fel rhywun sy’n gwirioni ar antur, mae fy mrwdfrydedd dros fyw’n syml yn yr awyr agored wedi bod yn ysbrydoliaeth i’r casgliad hwn. Mae’r casgliad yn gymysgedd o brintiau a phatrymau wedi’u creu’n ddigidol, ac mae’n canolbwyntio ar ddau gyrchfan taith ffordd wahanol, sef y traeth a’r mynyddoedd sy’n ffurfio dau is-gasgliad ‘Waves For Days’ a ‘Peak Seeker’.

Fy nod yw creu eiliadau o ddihangfa a llonyddwch swynol, gan wahodd pobl i godi eu golygon o gyffredinedd bywyd, oedi a chwilio am orwelion y tu hwnt i ffiniau gardd gefn eu cymydog. Rydw i wrth fy modd yn darlunio senarios bob dydd y gellir uniaethu â nhw ond gan geisio annog a chadarnhau anghonfensiynoldeb a lles. Mae fy ffydd yn Iesu’n cael dylanwad mawr ar fy nghelf ac yn fy annog i archwilio themâu rhyddid, derbyniad a llawenydd. Boed mewn ffordd amlwg neu’n llai uniongyrchol, rwy’n creu dyluniadau i ysgogi ymdeimlad o hiraeth, parchedig ofn a gobaith. Mae fy ngwaith yn deillio o Greadigaeth, yn enwedig fy niddordeb byw mewn pobl; eu hunigoliaeth unigryw, amrywiol a’u rhyngweithio â’i gilydd a’r natur o’u cwmpas.


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