Jordan Wood

BSc (Hons) Product Design

I believe that smarter design is the foundation to more efficient and more enjoyable lifestyles. I also believe that design can be simple yet intelligent, which when achieved, can provide a seamless user-product interaction, increasing satisfaction and improving user performance. As a designer, I strive to help reduce the impact that we have on the planet, whilst aiding people to work efficiently and to the highest standard. I aim to have a logical approach to design in which I meet the needs of the user through problem-solving and considered user interactions. I enjoy designing with a purpose, challenging myself to produce well-rounded and practical solutions to everyday problems. Throughout the design process, I explore 2D and 3D concepts, seeking user feedback throughout the process to understand the exact needs of my target audience. I create functional 3D CAD models, and physical prototypes to develop an appreciation for the user-interaction with the product, and to develop the functional aspects of designs through electronic and mechanical systems. I adopt a user-centred design approach, placing the user at the epicentre of my designs, as I believe that a successful product is determined by how it meets the needs of the end-user.

Credaf mai dylunio mwy clyfar yw’r sail i ffyrdd o fyw mwy effeithlon a phleserus. Hefyd, credaf y gall dyluniad fod yn syml ond deallus, a thrwy hynny, gall gynnig cysylltiad di-dor rhwng y cynnyrch a’r defnyddiwr, mwy o foddhad a gwella perfformiad defnyddwyr. Fel dylunydd, rwy’n ymroi i helpu i leihau ein heffaith ar y blaned law yn llaw â helpu pobl i weithio’n effeithlon ac i’r safon uchaf. Ffordd resymegol o ddylunio yw’r nod, gan ddiwallu anghenion y defnyddiwr trwy ddatrys problemau a rhyngweithio’n ystyriol â’r defnyddwyr. Rwy’n mwynhau dylunio gyda phwrpas, gan herio fy hun i greu atebion cyflawn ac ymarferol i broblemau bob dydd. Gydol y broses ddylunio, rwy’n archwilio cysyniadau 2D a 3D, a gofyn am adborth defnyddwyr gydol y broses er mwyn deall union anghenion fy nghynulleidfa darged. Rwy’n creu modelau CAD 3D ymarferol, a phrototeipiau ffisegol er mwyn meithrin gwerthfawrogiad o gysylltiad defnyddiwr â’r cynnyrch, a datblygu agweddau ymarferol y cynlluniau trwy systemau electronig a mecanyddol. Rwy’n mabwysiadu dull dylunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr, gan roi’r defnyddiwr wrth galon fy nghynlluniau, gan fy mod yn cedu bod llwyddiant cynnyrch yn dibynnu ar sut mae’n diwallu anghenion y defnyddiwr terfynol.

The 3 Colour Variations of the EMBER Roller that I designed for my Major Project. The roller’s purpose is to reduce the rate of injuries in sport and is designed with this in mind. The profile, texture and functions all exist to achieve this.

Amrywiadau 3 Lliw y Rholer EMBER a ddyluniais ar gyfer fy Mhrosiect Mawr. Diben y rholer yw lleihau nifer yr anafiadau mewn chwaraeon ac mae wedi’i ddylunio â hynny mewn golwg. Mae’r proffil, y gwead a’r swyddogaeth i gyd yn bodoli er mwyn cyflawni hyn.

The Phone Attachment that I designed as part of my Minor Project brief, of aiding mobile phone users, who suffer from manual dexterity. I wanted to simplify the design to require as little strength and dexterity as possible to make the aid as easy to use as possible.

Mae’r Atodyn Ffôn a ddyluniais yn rhan o’m Prosiect Bach, i helpu defnyddwyr ffonau symudol sy’n ei chael hi’n anodd defnyddio’u dwylo. Roeddwn am symleiddio’r dyluniad fel y byddai angen cyn lleied o nerth a medrusrwydd â phosib i’r cymhorthyn gael bod mor hawdd â phosib i’w ddefnyddio.

From my Major Project this year, I designed the EMBER Roller to reduce the rate of sporting injuries. Within the foam roller, I designed an integrated targeted massage device that is used for more localised muscle pain. This was to provide an all-round recovery system within the profile of the foam roller.

Oddi ar fy Mhrosiect Mawr eleni, fe ddyluniais y Rholer EMBER i gael lleihau nifer yr anafiadau chwaraeon. O fewn y rholer ffôm, fe ddyluniais ddyfais tylino integredig targedig a ddefnyddir ar gyfer poen mwy lleol yn y cyhyrau. Roedd hyn er mwyn darparu system adfer gyffredinol o fewn proffil y rholer ffôm.

3 material variations of the mobile phone aid that I designed for sufferers of reduced manual dexterity. The primary concern was the functionality of the aid, however I also wanted to create a variety of attractive material options, to compliment the expensive look and feel of modern mobile phones.

3 amrywiad materol o’r cymhorthyn ffonau symudol a ddyluniais ar gyfer pobl sy’n llai medrus â’u dwylo. Y gofid mwyaf oedd pa mor ymarferol fyddai’r cymhorthyn, ond roeddwn am greu amrywiaeth o opsiynau deniadol o ddeunyddiau hefyd i gael ategu golwg a theimlad drud ffonau symudol modern.

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