Josh Landers

BSc (Hons) Product Design

I am a strong believer that product design is a process that changes the world for the better, most importantly with people in mind. I believe that designers should consider people at the center of their design process, as well as, considering social, economic and sustainability factors when designing potential solutions. We should be inspired by the world around us and that should be carried through into our designs through creativity and innovation. I have and will use this way of thinking through-out my career as a product designer.

I excel in the people orientated approach of research and co-design. I’m enthusiastic to interact and encourage both my fellow designers and potential clients. Building connections while designing plays a crucial part in the outcome. Co-design allows you to expand your skillset into other areas of design, furthering my adaptability to learn new and alternative skills, which I think is one of the most important aspects of design.

I have a passion for designing as part of a team as well as individually to work towards the best possible outcome for the client, exploring all the different pathways and elements that go into design. Learning new skills is something that is very important to me, and I am always open to expanding my knowledge and exploring different ways of thinking in order to broaden my experience as a product designer.

Rwy’n credu’n gryf bod dylunio cynnyrch yn broses sy’n newid y byd er gwell, yn bwysicaf oll gyda phobl mewn golwg. Rwy’n credu y dylai dylunwyr ystyried pobl wrth wraidd eu proses ddylunio, yn ogystal ag ystyried ffactorau cymdeithasol, economaidd a chynaliadwyedd wrth ddylunio atebion posibl. Dylem gael ein hysbrydoli gan y byd o’n cwmpas a dylid trosglwyddo hynny i’n dyluniadau drwy greadigrwydd ac arloesedd. Rydw i wedi defnyddio’r ffordd hon o feddwl a byddaf yn parhau i wneud hynny gydol fy ngyrfa fel dylunydd cynnyrch.

Dull ymchwil a chyd-ddylunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar bobl yw fy nghryfder. Rwy’n frwdfrydig am ryngweithio ac annog fy nghyd-ddylunwyr a darpar gleientiaid. Mae meithrin cysylltiadau wrth ddylunio yn chwarae rhan hanfodol yn y canlyniad. Mae cyd-ddylunio’n cynnig cyfle i chi ehangu eich set sgiliau i feysydd dylunio eraill, gan wella fy hyblygrwydd i ddysgu sgiliau newydd ac amgen, sef un o’r agweddau pwysicaf ar ddylunio yn fy marn i.

Mae gen i angerdd am ddylunio fel rhan o dîm yn ogystal ag yn unigol i weithio tuag at y canlyniad gorau posibl i’r cleient, gan archwilio’r holl wahanol lwybrau ac elfennau sy’n rhan o ddylunio. Mae dysgu sgiliau newydd yn rhywbeth sy’n bwysig iawn i mi, ac rwy’n agored bob amser i ehangu fy ngwybodaeth ac archwilio gwahanol ffyrdd o feddwl er mwyn ehangu fy mhrofiad fel dylunydd cynnyrch.


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