Katie Cook

BA (Hons) Fine Art

I have been directing my studio practice towards the theme of animal abuse, animal neglection, pet breading/ selling and rescue animals. I have a few reasons as to why I want to make my artwork around these themes. I have a fair amount of rescue animals myself; I love animals and I want to be doing artwork around topics I have a lot of knowledge on, I am seriously passionate about and something I have not seen other students directing their studies towards.

I want to attempt to build awareness about how these things can have negative effects on the animals that react to the negative effects being it has on them. I aim to aim my research towards charities and rescue centres, artists that work within a similar theme. I have been researching artist Rene Romero, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Asher Jay and Zoe Birrell.

Rwyf wedi bod yn cyfarwyddo fy ymarfer yn y stiwdio tuag at thema camdriniaeth anifeiliaid, esgeulustod anifeiliaid, bridio/gwerthu anifeiliaid anwes ac achub anifeiliaid. Mae gennyf ambell reswm pam fy mod i eisiau defnyddio’r themâu yma yn fy ngwaith celf. Mae gen i sawl anifail achub fy hun; Rwy’n caru anifeiliaid ac rwy’n awyddus i greu gweithiau celf yn seiliedig ar bynciau y mae gennyf lawer o wybodaeth amdanynt, rwy’n angerddol iawn amdanynt a rhywbeth nad ydw i wedi gweld myfyrwyr eraill yn cyfeirio’u hastudiaethau tuag atynt.

Rwyf eisiau ceisio adeiladu ymwybyddiaeth o’r ffordd mae’r pethau yma’n gallu cael effaith negyddol ar yr anifeiliaid sy’n ymateb i’r effeithiau negyddol arnynt. Rwy’n bwriadu anelu fy ngwaith ymchwil tuag at elusennau a chanolfannau achub, artistiaid sy’n gweithio o fewn thema debyg. Rwyf wedi bod yn ymchwilio i’r artistiaid Rene Romero, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Asher Jay a Zoe Birrell.

• (katiecook945).wixsite.com
• https://www.instagram.com/Kate_cook_arting

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