Kiera Lane

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane
  • Kiera Rose Lane

RECAILBRATE – With more and more millennials heading into the working world, the ethics of work dress have changed. Relaxed living wear has progressed into the work-place with heavy influences of sportwear and heritage. Through research into the advancement of technology, and the impact it has had on the environment, I have created a pleated denim collection suitable for the modern relaxed workplace.

Denim has heritage links with workwear and the industrial revolution. The collection features engraved denim and printed fabrics using shapes influenced by the industrial machine tools my father works with. Additionally, engraving was completed on a laser cutter to mirror the machine tools that would produce the industrial shapes which feature in my designs. This has all created hyper-modern sportswear combined with a timeless classic–era-less workwear look. The collection has been designed to challenge the norms of workwear dress, in the hope that relaxed and comfortable can progress to mean professional.

RECAILBRATE – Gyda mwyfwy o fileniaid yn anelu at y byd gwaith, mae moeseg gwisgoedd gwaith wedi newid. Mae dillad byw’n hamddenol wedi gwneud cynnydd yn y gweithle, gyda dylanwadau trwm dillad chwaraeon a threftadaeth. Trwy ymchwil i ddatblygiad technoleg a’r effaith mae wedi’i chael ar y gweithle, rwyf wedi creu casgliad denim pletiog sy’n addas i weithle esmwyth modern.

Mae gan denim gysylltiadau etifeddol â dillad gwaith a’r chwyldro diwydiannol. Mae’r casgliad yn cynnwys denim wedi’i ysgythru a ffabrigau printiedig gan ddefnyddio siapiau y dylanwadir arnynt gan yr offer peirianyddol diwydiannol y mae fy nhad yn eu defnyddio wrth ei waith. At hynny, cwblhawyd yr ysgythru ar dorrwr laser i efelychu’r offer peirianyddol a fyddai’n cynhyrchu’r siapiau diwydiannol sy’n ymddangos yn fy nyluniadau. Mae hyn oll wedi creu dillad chwaraeon tra modern wedi’i gyfuno â golwg dillad gwaith bythol nad yw’n perthyn i oes clasurol. Dyluniwyd y casgliad i herio normau dillad gwaith, yn y gobaith y gall hamddenol a chyfforddus gynyddu i olygu proffesiynol.

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