Lottie Jacques

BA (Hons) Interior Design

Charlotte Jacques

Having grown up in a very quiet part of the countryside with a tiny community, I am used to being in open spaces with no crowds; it’s what I like. It has also made me much closer to nature and being able to understand the natural order of things. The art and design work I have produced throughout my education has always been connected to nature. It has been the core of my practice, often being the starting point of ideas particularly in these past three years. I am drawn towards bringing the great outdoors inside. The term biophilia and the ideology behind interior plantscaping was the subject of my dissertation. Biophilia is the affinity and desire humans have towards nature, the strong connection we have with nature because we are as Maurice Merleau-Ponty describes ‘the flesh of the world’. Nature inspired design is at the core of my practice as I feel it is not only pleasing to be within a naturally designed environment but it is also incredibly beneficial to ones mental health and well-being.

Gan fy mod wedi fy magu mewn cymuned fechan iawn mewn rhan dawel o gefn gwlad, rwyf yn gyfarwydd â bod mewn mannau agored heb unrhyw dorfeydd; dyna rwyf yn ei hoffi. Mae wedi fy ngwneud yn nes at natur hefyd ac rwyf yn gallu deall trefn naturiol pethau. Mae’r gwaith celf a dylunio rwyf wedi’i gynhyrchu ar hyd fy addysg wedi’i gysylltu â natur erioed. Dyma graidd fy ymarfer a dyma yn aml hefyd fu man cychwyn syniadau, yn enwedig yn ystod y tair blynedd ddiwethaf. Mae tynfa ynof i ddod â’r awyr agored i’r tu mewn. Y term bioffilia a’r ideoleg y tu cefn i dirlunio mewnol oedd pwnc fy nhraethawd. Y berthynas a’r awydd sydd gan fodau dynol tuag at natur yw bioffilia, y cysylltiad cryf sydd gennym â natur gan mai ni, fel y disgrifia Maurice Merleau-Ponty yw ‘cnawd y byd’. Mae gwaith dylunio sydd wedi’i ysbrydoli gan natur yn greiddiol i’m hymarfer gan fy mod yn teimlo ei bod yn eithriadol o fuddiol i iechyd meddwl a lles yr unigolyn i fod o fewn amgylchedd a fydd wedi’i ddylunio’n naturiol, yn ogystal â bod hynny’n rhoi boddhad ynddo’i hun.


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