Lydia Dunn

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn
  • Lydia Dunn

My enthusiasm for fashion began as an adolescent as I was trying to figure out who I am. I personally found self-expression difficult, but I figured out at a young age that clothes and make-up were a powerful form of communication and a way to express my true self. As I got older my love for fashion only grew. From my time at University, what I have learnt about myself as a designer is that creating and communicating a story visually through my collections has been the beast and most exciting part of the work.
My Graduate Collection has been inspired by my Grandad and his incredible life at sea as a Merchant Navy Sea Captain – I always felt immense pride and joy listening to my grandad speak of his adventures at sea. My womenswear collection follows the theme of the sea, sailors and ships mixed with a feminine-party twist.

Dechreuodd fy mrwdfrydedd dros ffasiwn yn ystod fy mlynyddoedd glasoed gan fy mod yn ceisio gweithio allan pwy oeddwn i. Roedd hunanfynegiant yn anodd i mi’n bersonol, ond fe wnes i nodi’n ifanc bod dillad a cholur yn ddull pwerus o gyfathrebu ac yn ffordd o fynegi fy hun go iawn. Wrth i mi fynd yn hŷn, tyfodd fy nghariad at ffasiwn hyd yn oed yn fwy. O’m cyfnod yn y Brifysgol, yr hyn yr wyf wedi’i ddysgu amdanaf fy hun fel dylunydd yw mai creu a chyfleu stori yn weledol drwy fy nghysyniadau fu’r rhan fwyaf cyffrous o’r gwaith.
Ysbrydolwyd fy Nghasgliad Graddedig gan fy Nhad-cu/Taid a’i fywyd anhygoel ar y môr fel Capten Môr y Llynges Fasnachol – roeddwn bob amser yn teimlo balchder a llawenydd enfawr yn gwrando ar fy nhad-cu/taid yn siarad am ei anturiaethau ar y môr. Mae fy nghasgliad dillad menywod yn dilyn thema’r môr, morwyr a llongau wedi’u cymysgu â thro parti benywaidd.

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