Mehreen Ali

BA (Hons) Textiles

I am a Textiles and Surface Pattern Designer from South Wales. My work revolves around print, colour and pattern inspired by the beauty of nature.

My latest collection ‘Botanical Brilliance’ has been designed for a range of SS23 lifestyle products, including interiors and stationery. The aim of the collection is to celebrate nature in the face of climate crisis. Not only do plants act as a critical resource, but they also generate a positive atmosphere and uplift our environments.

The style of my work is embodied by a hand painted and illustrative aesthetic, pursuing rich tonal quality and saturated colour. This is then combined with digital design processes to achieve seamless repeat pattern and refined prints.

The ‘Tropical Tranquillity’ sub-collection has been inspired by the rich, dense and colourful aesthetic of the rainforest with exaggerated blooms and jewel tones. The ‘Water Lily Delight’ sub-collection is based on the gentle nature of ponds and water lilies, which has been designed with serenity in mind and expressed through the soft floral shapes and painterly textures.

This collection aspires to bring a striking, contemporary feel to everyday living through sophisticated repeat prints and patterns.

Rwy’n ddylunydd tecstilau a phatrwm arwyneb o Dde Cymru. Print, lliw a phatrwm wedi’u hysbrydoli gan harddwch natur sy’n ganolog i’m gwaith.

Mae fy nghasgliad diweddaraf ‘Botanical Brilliance’ wedi’i ddylunio ar gyfer casgliad o gynhyrchion ffordd o fyw SS23, gan gynnwys nwyddau cartref a deunyddiau ysgrifennu. Nod y casgliad yw dathlu natur yn wyneb yr argyfwng hinsawdd. Mae planhigion nid yn unig yn gweithredu fel adnodd hanfodol, ond maen nhw’n creu awyrgylch cadarnhaol ac yn dyrchafu ein hamgylcheddau hefyd.

Mae arddull fy ngwaith wedi’i wreiddio mewn esthetig darluniadol a pheintio â llaw, gan ddilyn ansawdd tonaidd cyfoethog a lliw dwys. Yna caiff hyn ei gyfuno â phrosesau dylunio digidol i sicrhau patrwm ailadroddus di-dor a phrintiau wedi’u mireinio.

Mae’r is-gasgliad ‘Tropical Tranquillity’ wedi’i ysbrydoli gan estheteg gyfoethog, dwys a lliwgar y goedwig law gyda blodau wedi’u gorliwio ac arlliwiau gemog. Mae’r is-gasgliad ‘Water Lily Delight’ yn seiliedig ar natur dyner pyllau a lilïau dŵr, sydd wedi’i ddylunio gyda llonyddwch mewn golwg ac wedi’i fynegi drwy’r siapiau blodeuol ysgafn a gweadau peintiol.

Nod y casgliad yw cyflwyno teimlad trawiadol, cyfoes i fywyd bob dydd drwy brintiau a phatrymau ailadroddus soffistigedig.


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