Mollie Pearce

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My work highlights my creative process and places emphasis on materiality and acts of making. Through experimentation with various materials and processes I have created a series of paintings that focus on the application of paint to a surface. They explore how my tools and paint behave, each mark or area tests the characteristics of the paint, surface and the tools. My paintings highlight the physicality and viscosity of the paint and how the surface I am working on takes hold of the paint. I have focused on the repeated process of applying paint then removing to create a certain imagery, making it apparent what process has taken place. My aim through my artwork is to get my viewers to be more aware of the potential and qualities of their materials and therefore have more respect for the materials we use as artists and to explore materials in new and exciting ways.

Mae fy ngwaith yn pwysleisio fy mhroses greadigol yn ogystal â materoldeb a’r weithred o greu. Drwy arbrofi â gwahanol ddeunyddiau a phrosesau rwyf wedi creu cyfres o beintiadau sy’n canolbwyntio ar osod paent ar arwyneb. Maent yn archwilio’r modd y mae fy offer a phaent yn ymddwyn, mae pob marc neu ardal yn profi nodweddion y paent, yr arwyneb a’r offer. Mae fy mheintiadau’n tanlinellu corfforoldeb a gludedd y paent a sut mae’r arwyneb rwy’n gweithio arno’n gafael yn y paent. Rwyf wedi canolbwyntio ar y broses ailadroddus o osod paent a’i dynnu i ffwrdd i greu delwedd benodol, gan ei gwneud hi’n amlwg pa broses a ddefnyddiwyd. Fy mwriad drwy gyfrwng fy ngwaith celf yw cael fy ngwylwyr i fod yn fwy ymwybodol o botensial a rhinweddau eu deunyddiau a thrwy hynny, gael mwy o barch at y deunyddiau rydym yn eu defnyddio fel artistiaid ac i archwilio deunyddiau mewn ffyrdd newydd a chyffrous.


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