Nicole Jade Overton

BA (Hons) Textiles

My inspiration often comes from my surroundings, and that being purely nature. I have always admired nature, focusing on the smaller things that often go unseen by the naked eye, such as small insects and other sources from natural forms found in the great outdoors. I really enjoy designing for a wide range of occasions and themes; however, I would say that my strengths lay between interior and stationary design.

I have always had a passion for learning new ideas and concepts relating to designing, making, and learning how things work in the real world. I have always had an eye for colour, and I am not afraid to experiment with a quirky variety of colour pallets. One skill that I am proud of accumulating over time is problem solving and working under pressure on a tight time scale, I believe this is a good skill to have when working in real world situations and scenarios.

Daw fy ysbrydoliaeth yn aml o’r hyn sydd o’n cwmpas i, a natur yn bur yw hynny. Rwyf bob amser wedi edmygu natur, gan ganolbwyntio ar y pethau llai sydd yn aml heb eu gweld gan y llygad, megis pryfed bychain a ffynonellau eraill o ffurfiau eraill a geir yn yr awyr agored. Rwy’n hoff iawn o ddylunio ar gyfer amrywiaeth eang o themâu ac achlysuron; er hynny, byddwn yn dweud bod fy nghryfderau’n gorwedd rhwng dylunio mewnol a nwyddau papur.

Rwyf bob amser wedi bod ag angerdd at ddysgu syniadau a chysyniadau newydd sy’n ymwneud â dylunio, creu a dysgu am sut mae pethau’n gweithio yn y byd go iawn. Rwyf bob amser wedi cael llygad da o ran lliw, ac nid wyf yn bryderus wrth arbrofi gydag amrywiaeth anarferol o baletau lliw. Un fedr yr wyf yn falch o fod wedi’i chronni dros amser yw datrys problemau a gweithio o dan bwysau ar raddfa amser dynn, credaf fod hyn yn fedr dda i feddu arni mewn sefyllfaoedd a golygfeydd y byd real.

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