Rachel Barton

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My current work is driven by a desire to understand what ‘home’ is to me. Where is it? What is it? Who is it? An exploration of various places, a physical home, objects that spark memories of home and photographs convey the journey I have undertaken this year. Difficulties within mine and my families life have been a substantial influence on my work, and through a process of self-reflection and constant evaluation of my work, I have developed the understanding that my family is my home.

‘Home’ is a body of work, complied of paintings, found photographs and handwritten text that explores my connection to my hometown and my family. My work aims to represent the act of reminiscing about childhood and time spent with family, to convey the love I feel for them.

A vast majority of my work has been influenced by Picton Castle, a stately home that my family often visited throughout my childhood and continue to. The paintings act as representations of various areas in Picton that provoke strong memories. The vivid colours, and the playfulness of the application of paint are used to inspire a feeling of joy amongst the audience, similar to the feeling I experience when home. This collection is an embodiment of the realisation that my idea of home and family are interchangeable.

Neither exists without the other.

Mae fy ngwaith presennol wedi’i yrru gan awydd i ddeall beth yw ‘cartref’ i mi. Ble mae e? Beth yw e? Pwy yw e? Bydd archwilio gwahanol leoedd, cartref ffisegol, gwrthrychau sy’n dwyn atgofion o’r cartref i’r cof a ffotograffau yn cyfleu’r siwrnai rwyf wedi bod arni eleni. Bu anawsterau o fewn fy mywyd i fy hun a bywyd fy nheulu yn ddylanwad sylweddol ar fy ngwaith a thrwy broses o hunan-fyfyrio ac o werthuso fy ngwaith yn gyson, rwyf wedi datblygu’r ddealltwriaeth mai fy nheulu yw fy nghartref.

Mae ‘Home’ yn gorff o waith sy’n cynnwys paentiadau, ffotograffau y ces hyd iddyn nhw a thestunau wedi’u hysgrifennu â’r llaw sy’n archwilio fy nghysylltiad â’r dref lle mae fy nghartref a’m teulu. Nod fy ngwaith yw cynrychioli’r weithred o ddwyn i gof fy mhlentyndod a’r amser a dreuliwyd gyda’r teulu, er mwyn cyfleu’r cariad rwy’n ei deimlo tuag atynt.

Castell Picton sydd wedi dylanwadu ar fwyafrif helaeth fy ngwaith. Mae’r castell yn gartref urddasol y byddai fy nheulu yn ymweld â fe ar hyd fy mhlentyndod i gyd, ac maen nhw’n parhau i wneud hynny. Mae’r paentiadau’n cynrychioli gwahanol ardaloedd yn Picton sy’n dod ag atgofion cryf yn ôl. Mae’r lliwiau trawiadol a’r defnydd chwareus o’r paent yn cael eu defnyddio i greu ymdeimlad o lawenydd ymhlith y gynulleidfa sy’n debyg i’r teimlad a gaf innau pan fyddaf gartref. Mae’r casgliad hwn yn ymgorffori’r ffaith fy mod wedi sylweddoli bod fy syniad innau ynglŷn â chartref a theulu yn un sy’n ymgyfnewidiol.

Ni all y naill fod heb y llall.

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