Rebekah Barnett

BA (Hons) Ceramics

“Life is like texture” Elizabeth day” (2020)

Porcelain does what it wants, it remembers every touch we encounter on it and leaves a memory of our mistakes on its surface, it moves on its own accord when put under a lot of heat. Porcelain is translucent yet unpredictable. It is not effective when put under too much pressure but when you add paper for example it adapts the textures and qualities of porcelain. Porcelain is like our skin, and ages the same way, holding the memories of the textures we hold. Porcelain is alive and feels like we do.

This notion has had a profound effect on my exploration and direction of my work. My work explores how and why pushing porcelain through its limits at the same time I am pushing myself through mine helps my wellbeing in a positive way, just through initially a touch of clay to our fingertips. I push porcelains limits by adding organic textured combustible materials to the clay by imbedding them in the clay body like paper fibres to layering glazes and textures onto the surface of the clay. I also use my knowledge of conventional ceramic hand building techniques to develop my unconventional sculptural, performative and installation formed pieces. Last terms project of the textures our fingertips hold has helped me to develop my notion of what I am exploring in my practice today. During this time of suffering with my well-being has helped me to understand the importance of the beauty in imperfections and mistakes. This has had a profound change on the way I work through letting go and exploring a more cathartic and performative route to share knowledge to my audience and interaction.

Mae porslen yn gwneud beth a fynno, mae’n cofio pob cyffyrddiad rydym yn ei roi arno ac yn gadael atgof o’n camgymeriadau ar ei arwyneb, mae’n symud yn ei rinwedd ei hun wrth ei roi dan lawer o wres. Mae porslen yn dryloyw ac eto’n anragweladwy. Nid yw’n effeithiol wrth ei roi dan ormod o bwysau ond pan ychwanegwch bapur er enghraifft mae’n ymaddasu i weadau a phriodweddau porslen. Mae porslen yn debyg i’n croen, ac yn heneiddio yn yr un ffordd, gan ddal atgofion y gweadau a ddaliwn. Mae porslen yn fyw ac yn teimlo yn yr un modd â ni.

Mae’r syniad hwn wedi cael effaith ddwfn ar f’archwilio a chyfeiriad fy ngwaith. Mae fy ngwaith yn edrych ar sut a pham gan wthio porslen trwy ei gyfyngiadau ar yr un pryd rwy’n gwthio fy hun trwy fy rhai i sy’n helpu fy llesiant mewn ffordd bositif, dim ond trwy gyffyrddiad clai ar flaenau’n bysedd. Rwy’n gwthio cyfyngiadau porslenau drwy ychwanegu deunyddiau llosgadwy gwead organig at y clai drwy eu hymgorffori yng nghorff y clai fel ffibrau papur i haenu llathrau a gweadau ar arwyneb y clai. Rwy’n defnyddio fy ngwybodaeth o dechnegau cerameg draddodiadol â llaw hefyd i ddatblygu fy narnau ffurfiau anghonfensiynol cerfluniol, perfformiadol a gosodiad. Mae prosiect y tymor diwethaf am weadau blaenau bysedd wedi fy helpu i ddatblygu fy syniad o beth rwy’n ei archwilio yn f’arfer heddiw. Yn ystod yr amser hwn o ddioddef gyda fy llesiant mae wedi fy helpu i ddeall pwysigrwydd harddwch amherffeithrwyddau a chamgymeriadau. Mae hyn wedi cael effaith fawr ar y ffordd rwy’n gweithio trwy lacio fy ngafael a fforio llwybr mwy cathartig a pherfformiadol i rannu gwybodaeth â’m cynulleidfa a rhyngweithio.

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