Rhiannon Arthurs

BA (Hons) Animation

Taking inspiration from Norwegian fairy tales I created a variation for a modern audience. Old fairy tales were gruesome in nature, however usually had a message- in my animation I wanted to present the message that we all have the power to overcome our anxieties and defeat our demons. The protagonist in my animation overcomes the dark voices in his head, using his mind to overcome the problem he faced.

Pushing myself out of my comfort zone was my main goal for this animation. I forced myself to face my artistic fears and explore different aspects of constructing an animated film. Layouts and backgrounds have always vexed me, however in this animation I have utilized and learnt new methods in order to succeed in my goals.

O gael fy ysbrydoli gan straeon tylwyth teg o Norwy rwyf wedi creu amrywiad ar gyfer cynulleidfa fodern. Roedd yr hen straeon tylwyth teg yn ddigon erchyll eu natur, ond fel arfer roedd ganddynt neges – yn fy ngwaith animeiddio roeddwn i’n awyddus i gyflwyno’r neges fod gan bawb y gallu i oresgyn pryderon ac ennill y dydd ar ein cythreuliaid. Mae’r arwr yn fy animeiddiadau’n goresgyn lleisiau tywyll yn ei ben, gan ddefnyddio’i feddwl i oresgyn y broblem y mae’n ei hwynebu.

Gwthio fy hun allan o fy man cysurus oedd fy mhrif nod ar gyfer yr animeiddiad yma. Gorfodais fy hun i wynebu fy ofnau artistig ac archwilio gwahanol agweddau ar greu ffilm animeiddiedig. Mae llunweddau a chefndiroedd wedi codi fy ngwrychyn erioed. Serch hynny rwyf wedi defnyddio a dysgu dulliau newydd ar gyfer yr animeiddiad yma er mwyn llwyddo i gyflawni fy amcanion.

• https://rhiannonanimations.wordpress.com/
• https://www.instagram.com/rhiannonanimation/

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