Robyn R

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My art practice explores childhood- with a focus on memory and play.
The latest developments in my practice are titled ‘Memento’. I aim to reflect the ideas of memory, growth, and childhood through them. The performative works that document a time of play and exploration between my son and I, project a sense of absence and playfulness; they capture a specific moment in Sonny’s development.

My work is heavily influenced by psychological research and the cognitive development of children. I am interested in the work of Winnicott and the ‘good enough mother’. Along with the ‘theory of operant conditioning’ by Skinner, this theory is particularly relevant to my practice because it reinforces the idea that much of our curiosity and playfulness is lost through the social conditioning humans face in life, my practice aims to highlight this, and challenge it. As well as Piaget and his work on cognitive development, joined by many other writings on the irrational, joyful, non-serious play, of childhood.

My young son, Sonny, informs much of my physical works, as well as my research into childhood. Throughout my practice I aim to gain a clearer understanding of the natural innocence, and curiosity that children possess. I attempt to do this through documenting my son during solo play. I use photography, painting, and most recently live drawing.

The core purpose of my practice is to celebrate and encourage the free, natural and joyful play of childhood.

Mae fy ymarfer celf yn archwilio plentyndod – gan ganolbwyntio ar y cof a chwarae. ‘Memento’ yw teitl y datblygiadau diweddaraf yn fy ymarfer. Fy mwriad yw adlewyrchu syniadau’r cof, twf a phlentyndod drwyddynt. Mae’r gweithiau perfformiadol sy’n dogfennu amser chwarae ac archwiliad o safbwynt fy mab a minnau, yn creu ymdeimlad o absenoldeb a chwarae; maent yn cofnodi moment benodol yn natblygiad Sonny.

Mae dylanwad ymchwil seicolegol a datblygiad gwybyddol plant yn drwm ar fy ngwaith. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb yng ngwaith Winnicot a’r ‘fam ddigonol’. Yn ogystal â ‘theori cyflyru gweithredydd’ gan Skinner, mae’r theori yma’n hynod berthnasol i fy ymarfer i am ei fod yn atgyfnerthu’r syniad fod llawer o’n chwilfrydedd a’n chwarae yn cael eu colli drwy’r cyflyru cymdeithasol sy’n digwydd i ddynol ryw yn ystod eu hoes, a bwriad fy ymarfer yw tanlinellu hyn, a’i herio. Piaget hefyd a’i waith ar ddatblygiad gwybyddol, ar y cyd â llawer o weithiau eraill ar chwarae afresymol, hapus, di-ddifrifol plentyndod.

Mae fy mab ifanc, Sonny, yn sail i lawer o fy ngweithiau corfforol, yn ogystal â’m hymchwil i blentyndod. Drwy gydol fy ymarfer, fy mwriad yw sicrhau dealltwriaeth gliriach o’r diniweidrwydd naturiol, a’r chwilfrydedd y mae plant yn eu meddu. Rwy’n ceisio gwneud hyn drwy gofnodi fy mab wrth iddo chwarae ar ei ben ei hun. Rwy’n defnyddio ffotograffiaeth, arlunwaith, ac yn fwy diweddar, darlunwaith byw.

Diben craidd fy ymarfer yw dathlu ac annog chwarae rhydd, naturiol a hapus plentyndod.


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