Ruby Pickford

BA (Hons) Fashion Design

A contemporary womenswear designer with focus on creating feel good, playful and interactive clothing through focus on tactility and surface design within the fabrics. My garments are designed to provoke feelings of joy and nostalgia through sensory exploration within my textile exploration of bold colour palettes, fabric manipulation, texture and print placement within the clothing. I feel these are the elements which allow me to best translate my ideas and communicate my designer handwriting.

From building upon these elements of design throughout my time at university, I naturally developed my final collection “Sense Scape”. My collection focuses on evoking consumers to tap into their senses and create new realities, feelings and experiences through interacting with my clothing. Using methods such as laser print, crochet and mixing materials and textures to develop this concept into 3D outcomes. Understanding my main influence of work comes from my textile inspiration, a future career in graphic and print design for clothing is where my aspirations lie.

I have developed a range of digital skills using adobe platforms such as Photoshop and illustrator which have enabled me to push my work to a more professional standard. Looking into the future of fashion, the digital development is something that really excites me. With new technology advancing, enabling designers to discover new pathways and push boundaries within fabric and clothing. I am excited to see how my own work can develop within the future to create new, unique designs.

Dylunydd dillad merched cyfoes â ffocws ar greu dillad chwareus, rhyngweithiol sy’n teimlo’n dda drwy ffocws ar gyffyrddiad a dyluniad arwyneb o fewn y defnyddiau. Cynllunnir fy nillad i ysgogi teimladau o hapusrwydd a nostalgia drwy archwiliad synhwyraidd o fewn fy archwiliad gwead o baled lliw beiddgar, ffurfio defnyddiau, gosodiad gwead a phrint o fewn y dillad. Teimlaf mai dyma’r elfennau sy’n caniatáu i mi drosi fy syniadau a chyfleu fy llawysgrifen fel dylunydd orau.

Drwy adeiladu ar yr elfennau dylunio yma drwy gydol fy amser yn y brifysgol, datblygais fy nghasgliad terfynol, “Sense Scape” yn naturiol. Mae fy nghasgliad yn canolbwyntio ar ysgogi defnyddwyr i droi at eu synhwyrau a chreu realiti, teimladau a phrofiadau newydd drwy ryngweithio â’m dillad. Drwy ddefnyddio dulliau megis argraffu laser, crochet a chymysgu defnyddiau a gweadau i greu’r cysyniad hwn yn ganlyniad 3D. Daw dealltwriaeth o’r prif ddylanwad gwaith o fy ysbrydoliaeth decstiliau, a’m dyhead yw dilyn gyrfa yn y dyfodol ym maes dylunio graffeg a phrint ar gyfer dillad.

Rwyf wedi datblygu amrywiaeth o sgiliau digidol gan ddefnyddio llwyfannau adobe megis Photoshop ac Illustrator sydd wedi fy ngalluogi i wthio fy ngwaith i safon fwy proffesiynol. O edrych i ddyfodol byd ffasiwn, mae’r datblygiad digidol yn rhywbeth sy’n fy nghyffroi yn fawr. Wrth i dechnoleg newydd ddatblygu, gan alluogi dylunwyr i ddarganfod llwybrau newydd i wthio ffiniau o fewn maes defnyddiau a dillad. Rwy’n teimlo’n gyffrous i weld sut y gall fy ngwaith fy hun ddatblygu yn y dyfodol i greu cynlluniau newydd, unigryw.


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