Shelby Williams

BA (Hons) Textiles

Shelby Williams

I am a passionate surface pattern designer, currently specialising within hand drawn and digital designs. My design ideas are usually nature inspired; although my themes are diverse as I also research and work alongside predicted print and pattern trends. My love for colour and pattern has been intensified within my degree and is expressed throughout this summer aesthetic collection. As a designer I am particularly interested within textures and this is also reflected within my style and current collection. Influenced by the natural beauty and textual patterns within British garden summer flowers, I have designed an interior and stationery collection called ‘Abloom’. I have merged both linear and mark making textures inspired by my flower and plant drawings to create innovative designs. My interest in psychology and my dissertation topic has inspired me to explore and apply research of colour theory and meanings of fabrics to my work. Therefore, I am constantly aware of these hidden perceptions enabling me to target clients and markets effectively, encouraging uplifting and commercial patterns.

Rwy’n ddylunydd patrymau arwyneb angerddol, yn arbenigo ar hyn o bryd mewn dyluniadau a dynnir â llaw a rhai digidol. Mae fy syniadau dylunio fel arfer wedi’u hysbrydoli gan natur; ond mae fy themâu’n amrywiol gan fy mod hefyd yn ymchwilio i ac yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â thueddiadau print a phatrymau sydd wedi’u darogan. Mae fy nghariad at liw a phatrwm wedi dwysau o fewn fy ngradd ac mae wedi’i fynegi trwy gydol y casgliad haf esthetig hwn. Fel dylunydd mae gennyf ddiddordeb penodol mewn gweadau ac mae hyn wedi’i adlewyrchu hefyd o fewn fy arddull a chasgliad cyfredol. Wedi fy nylanwadu gan y prydferthwch naturiol a phatrymau testunol o fewn blodau haf gerddi Prydain, rwyf wedi dylunio casgliad addurniadau mewnol a nwyddau papur o’r enw ‘Abloom’. Rwyf wedi cyfuno gweadau llinol a gwneud marciau a ysbrydolir gan fy narluniadau blodau a phlanhigion i greu dyluniadau arloesol. Mae fy niddordeb mewn seicoleg ac mae pwnc fy nhraethawd estynedig wedi fy ysbrydoli i ymchwilio i a chymhwyso ymchwil i ddamcaniaeth lliwiau ac ystyron ffabrigau i fy ngwaith. Felly, rwyf bob amser yn ymwybodol o’r canfyddiadau cuddiedig hyn gan fy alluogi i dargedu cleientiaid a marchnadoedd yn effeithiol, gan annog patrymau dyrchafol a masnachol.

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