Tom Taylor

BSc (Hons) Product Design

Design holds great responsibility. Therefore, as a designer, my role involves more than simply creating beautifully formed yet functionally credible solutions. It includes ensuring the practices and processes I follow are sustainably justified.

I am incredibly passionate about the world we live in and I believe each designer is accountable for the footprint they leave behind on the Earth. This keeps my love for design and my passion for the environment in a continual collaboration, helping me stay conscious of the impactful decisions I make and their effect on world around us and its inhabitants. As, in my opinion, the ethical impact of design lies equal to the environmental footprint.

My appetite for knowledge is also a key part of my design repertoire, a feature that keeps me striving to be at the forefront of my field. I am continually identifying key issues that arise and develop where I then construct a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and problem faced.

These skills are what enable me to truly submerse myself into the projects I undertake and to always push new boundaries within my ability as a designer, which ultimately helps form products that I know will leave a lasting benefit. Since, now more than ever, there is a need for designers who see the bigger picture and are creating long term solutions for the environments and users they are designed for.

Mae gan ddylunio gyfrifoldeb mawr. Felly, fel dylunydd, mae fy rôl yn cynnwys mwy na dim ond creu atebion hyfryd sydd wedi’u ffurfio’n hyfryd ond sy’n gredadwy yn swyddogaethol. Mae’n cynnwys sicrhau bod modd cyfiawnhau’r arferion a’r prosesau rwy’n eu dilyn yn gynaliadwy.

Rwy’n hynod angerddol am y byd rydyn ni’n byw ynddo a chredaf fod pob dylunydd yn atebol am yr ôl troed maen nhw’n ei adael ar ôl ar y Ddaear. Mae hyn yn cadw fy nghariad at ddylunio a fy angerdd am yr amgylchedd mewn cydweithrediad parhaus, gan fy helpu i aros yn ymwybodol o’r penderfyniadau dylanwadol rwy’n eu gwneud a’u heffaith ar y byd o’n cwmpas a’i thrigolion. Fel, yn fy marn i, mae effaith foesegol dyluniad yn hafal i’r ôl troed amgylcheddol.

Mae fy awydd am wybodaeth hefyd yn rhan allweddol o fy repertoire dylunio, nodwedd sy’n fy nghadw i ymdrechu i fod ar flaen fy maes. Rwy’n nodi materion allweddol sy’n codi ac yn datblygu yn barhaus lle rwyf wedyn yn llunio dealltwriaeth gynhwysfawr o’r heriau a’r broblem a wynebir.

Dyma’r sgiliau sy’n fy ngalluogi i wir drochi fy hun yn y prosiectau rwy’n ymgymryd â nhw ac i wastad wthio ffiniau newydd o fewn fy ngallu fel dylunydd, sydd yn y pen draw yn helpu i ffurfio cynhyrchion y gwn y byddant yn gadael budd parhaol. Ers, bellach yn fwy nag erioed, mae angen dylunwyr sy’n gweld y darlun ehangach ac sy’n creu atebion tymor hir ar gyfer yr amgylchedd a’r defnyddwyr y maen nhw wedi’u cynllunio ar eu cyfer.

Anemoi is a wind-powered air filtration unit designed to be placed on streetlights in polluted cities around the world.

This image portrays the Anemoi units in a group array to clear air pollution in the city of Delhi. It shows how many Anemoi working in tandem can provide a system to clean the air around us.

Elevate is a sit or stand desk that is affordable to tackle the issues of pain and discomfort while working seated.

Here Elevate is shown in two of its three positions, one a stood position, and the other seated with a raised monitor stand. Both have been proven to improve workflow and decrease pain and discomfort.

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