Tomasz Zebrowski

BA (Hons) Illustration

Through my practice, I strive to envelop the audience within a captivating world presented through narrative. Within my work, I seek to establish a specific connection between the piece and the audience. Especially enjoyable and meaningful to me is creating fantastical and fictional characters and the magical spaces they inhabit. I direct much of my attention towards forming an appropriate and unique atmosphere. Foremost, I focus on the feeling and emotion conveyed by my narratives. My work is, in the first place, contemplative. With this leading theme are intertwined the calmness, warmth and silence, occasionally juxtaposed by the eeriness and build-up of tension.

Through my projects also emerge my interests in the whimsical and supernatural combined with a passion for old myths, legends, folk and fables of Europe. I draw much of my inspiration from my surroundings, with nature as the most consistent stimulus. I believe observation to be a crucial skill when it comes to any form of art.
My repertoire of favoured media consists of pencil, ink, linocut print and digital, with the use of graphite pencil being my preferred way of working. Most recently, I have been exploring narratives and concepts through short graphic stores and moving image media such as gifs or animation.

In my work, I hope to create captivating, intriguing and entertaining narratives in which I venture to explore ever-relevant themes and give my audience a vertical space to contemplate and consider the human need for emotional warmth and kindness.

Drwy fy nghelf, rwy’n ymdrechu i drochi’r gynulleidfa mewn byd cyfareddol sy’n cael ei gyflwyno drwy naratif. Yn fy ngwaith, rwy’n ceisio sefydlu cysylltiad penodol rhwng y darn a’r gynulleidfa. Un o’r pethau arbennig rwy’n ei fwynhau ac sy’n ystyrlon i fi yw creu cymeriadau rhyfeddol a ffuglennol a’r gofodau hudol maen nhw’n byw ynddyn nhw. Rwy’n cyfeirio llawer o fy sylw tuag at greu awyrgylch priodol ac unigryw. Yn fwy na dim, rwy’n canolbwyntio ar y teimlad a’r emosiwn sy’n cael ei fynegi gan fy naratifau. Yn y lle cyntaf, mae fy ngwaith yn fyfyriol; ac wedi’u cydblethu â’r thema flaenllaw yma mae tawelwch, cynhesrwydd a distawrwydd – weithiau wedi’u cyfosod â iasoldeb a thensiwn.

Drwy fy mhrosiectau, rydw i hefyd yn dangos fy niddordebau yn y rhyfeddol a’r goruwchnaturiol ynghyd ag hoffter am hen fythau, chwedlau a llên gwerin Ewrop. Rwy’n cael llawer o ysbrydoliaeth o fy amgylchoedd, a natur yw’r ysgogiad mwyaf cyson. Rwy’n credu bod arsylwi yn sgil hanfodol ar gyfer unrhyw fath o gelf.
Mae fy nghasgliad o hoff gyfryngau yn cynnwys pensil, inc, print linocut a digidol, a defnyddio pensil graffit yw fy hoff ffordd o weithio. Yn fwyaf diweddar, bues i’n archwilio naratifau a chysyniadau drwy straeon graffig byrion a chyfryngau delwedd symudol fel gifs neu animeiddio.

Yn fy ngwaith, rwy’n gobeithio creu naratifau cyfareddol, diddorol a difyr lle rwy’n mentro i archwilio themâu perthnasol a rhoi gofod fertigol i fy nghynulleidfa fyfyrio ac ystyried yr angen dynol am gynhesrwydd a charedigrwydd emosiynol.

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