Yasmin Oldfield

BA (Hons) Product Design

As a creative, passionate, versatile designer, I am inspired by natural world actions and changes that impact the way products are being used. These potentially are being evolved into an improper ineffective use of design technology. I am very passionate about making a difference to the users’ product/ system design experience.

Art and design have influenced my life from when I was younger, to who I am now, and I feel like design is where I want to take myself into my career. I have gained confidence in presenting myself as a professional product designer and it has inspired me to be proud of my own work as strong, independent individual. I would love to engage my talents for future employees.

I demonstrate a logical approach of functional and material base problem solving, to gain a clearer understanding of design solutions to progress towards the end market. Throughout my design process, I explore a range of diverse primary and secondary research to investigate the issues and gather user feedback to understand the target audience requirements. I create 2D and 3D models to develop physical and visual user interaction, to evaluate and further my designs in the most methodical way.

I enjoy designing around ever adjusting user focused lifestyle, to benefit emotionally and physically.

Personally, incorporating the concept of adaptation and adjustment into my design projects, is the most important aim as a designer.

Fel dylunydd creadigol, angerddol, hyblyg, rwy’n cael f’ysbrydoli gan weithredoedd a newidiadau’r byd naturiol sy’n effeithio ar sut mae cynhyrchion yn cael eu defnyddio. Mae’r rhain o bosibl yn esblygu’n ddefnydd amhriodol aneffeithiol ar dechnoleg ddylunio. Rwy’n angerddol iawn am wneud gwahaniaeth i brofiad defnyddwyr o gynnyrch/ y system ddylunio.

Mae celf a dylunio wedi dylanwadu ar fy mywyd ers pan oeddwn yn iau, i bwy ydw nawr, ac rwy’n teimlo mai dylunio yw fy nghyrchfan i o ran gyrfa. Rwyf wedi magu hyder wrth gyflwyno fy hun fel dylunydd cynhyrchion proffesiynol ac mae wedi f’ysbrydoli i fod yn falch o’m gwaith fy hun fel unigolyn cryf, annibynnol. Byddwn wrth fy modd yn defnyddio fy noniau er cyflogeion y dyfodol.

Dangosaf ddull rhesymegol o ddatrys problemau o ran swyddogaeth a deunyddiau sylfaenol, i gael dealltwriaeth gliriach o atebion dylunio i symud tuag at y farchnad derfynol. Trwy gydol fy mhroses ddylunio, rwy’n edrych ar ystod o ymchwil sylfaenol ac eilaidd amrywiol i ymchwilio i’r ystyriaethau ac yn casglu adborth defnyddwyr i ddeall gofynion y gynulleidfa darged. Rwy’n creu modelau 2D a 3D i ddatblygu rhyngweithrediad gorfforol a gweledol â defnyddwyr, i werthuso a hybu fy nyluniadau yn y dull mwyaf cyfundrefnol.

Rwy’n mwynhau dylunio o gwmpas dull byth-newidiol o fyw defnyddwyr, er budd emosiynol a chorfforol.

Yn bersonol, ymgorffori cysyniad addasu a newid i mewn i’m prosiectau dylunio yw’r nod pwysicaf fel dylunydd.

‘Sensory Space’ is a new outdoor room solution designed to give users a relaxing physical and mental experience within a clean, clutter and stress-free environment, all in the comfort of your own back garden. It is a new advanced, customizable investment.

‘Sensory Space’ is a custom-built design that enables the user to equip their space with all their own personal belongings. Mood lighting, sensory flooring, clear tiles and polyester personalized sheet walls, is just a fraction of what this room offers.

The ‘smart MOOD’ is a multi-feature, wearable device with the solution to gain the benefits of taking effective breaks from the users work and / or study. Universally designed to generally help with routine and structuring in both work and domestic lifestyle balancing.

The ‘MOOD’ in smart MOOD stands for, Motivation, Organizational, Output, Display. Equipped with a large amount of customizable display systems and sensory options. Along with customizable reminders and props, to suit the user’s hobbies and motivations, to help benefit the users break efficiency.

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