Ynyr Higham

BA (Hons) Ceramics

My work is an exploration of the Welsh landscape and Welsh culture through the form of functional ware.

The maps of North and South Wales contain rich information; the South being generally busier and areas in the North much quieter. Using different techniques such as sgraffito, stencil printing and specialist tools to create patterned textures, I emphasize this difference between the busy roads of Cardiff and the quiet country-sides of North Wales. The plates and jars are linked by the decorations, leading a viewer’s eye from one to the other creating a pattern of surface and form.

The use of plates resonates strongly within the history of Welsh culture, not only functionally but aesthetically, often hung on walls decorated with Welsh narrative. The use of jars is to contradict the flatness of the plates offering a rounded surface and allowing me to playfully push at the boundaries of function and tradition.


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