Adeshola Sorungbe

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
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Throughout my studies at CSAD I have developed my skills in knitwear design. I love the traditional craft of knit and I believe the making process is equally as important as the final outcome. I use knit, crochet, couching and embroidery within my collection and the materials I use are as sustainable as possible by using recycled denim and biodegradable wool. I based my final project on the 90’s children Tv programme, The Rugrats. I wanted my work to reflect the familiarity and the nostalgia of the era, contrasted with contemporary knitwear.

Trwy gydol fy astudiaethau yn CSAD rwyf wedi datblygu fy sgiliau mewn dylunio dillad gwau. Rwy’n dwlu ar grefft draddodiadol gwau a chredaf fod y broses o greu yr un mor bwysig â’r canlyniad terfynol. Rwy’n defnyddio gwau, crosio, cowtsio a brodwaith o fewn fy nghasgliad ac mae’r deunyddiau a ddefnyddiaf mor gynaliadwy â phosib trwy ddefnyddio denim wedi’i ailgylchu a gwlân bioddiraddadwy. Seiliais fy mhrosiect terfynol ar y rhaglen teledu plant o’r 90au, The Rugrats. Roeddwn eisiau i fy ngwaith adlewyrchu cyfarwydd-deb a hiraeth am yr oes, o’i gymharu â dillad gwau cyfoes.

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