Caroline Williams

BA (Hons) Interior Design

In today’s society as a whole we have become indoor creatures, passively accepting buildings that disconnect us from nature.

Biophilic Design has always been an incredible driving force in my designs and continues to influence me in everything I do. I always design with the health and wellbeing of the user at forefront, throughout my designs as I always try to implement some of the 3 pillars of Biophilic Design by using nature within in a space or when not possible I use natural analogues patterns to help re-connect people to nature. Implementing the use of Biophilic design by incorporating elements of nature into a building is not only aesthetically pleasing but have proven to have profound effects on the health and wellbeing of the user.

Having gained a collective of skills and knowledge I am able to use my profession as a platform to educate and inspire the urbanised world how to reconnect with nature through design.

If my design can make a difference and help promote health and well-being I have achieved what I set out to become. .For example, in my Exposure project I have applied some principles of the 3 pillars of Biophilic Design by using nature in a space, adding natural elements into a built environment such as plants also allowing as much natural light flow and views of nature when possible. I’ve chosen natural analogue’s carefully as such as wood grains, natural patterns when areas are less likely to benefit from the outside world.

Yn gyffredinol yn ein cymdeithas heddiw rydym wedi mynd yn greaduriaid dan do, gan dderbyn yn oddefol adeiladau sy’n ein datgysylltu rhag natur.

Mae Dylunio Bioffilig bob amser wedi bod yn rym ysgogol anhygoel yn fy nyluniadau ac mae’n parhau i ddylanwadu arnaf ym mhopeth a wnaf. Rwyf bob amser yn dylunio gan roi blaenoriaeth i iechyd a llesiant y defnyddiwr trwy gydol fy nyluniadau gan fy mod bob amser yn ceisio gweithredu rhai o dair colofn Dylunio Bioffilig gan ddefnyddio natur o fewn gofod neu pan nad yw hynny’n bosib rwy’n defnyddio patrymau cydweddol naturiol i helpu ailgysylltu pobl â natur. Nid yn unig y mae gweithredu’r defnydd o ddylunio Bioffilig trwy ymgorffori elfennau natur mewn adeilad yn ddymunol o safbwynt esthetig, mae hefyd wedi’i brofi i gael effaith ddofn ar iechyd a llesiant y defnyddiwr.

A minnau wedi cywain amrywiaeth o sgiliau a gwybodaeth, gallaf ddefnyddio fy mhroffesiwn fel llwyfan i addysgu ac ysbrydoli’r byd wedi’i drefoli i ailgysylltu â natur trwy ddylunio.

Os gall fy nyluniad wneud gwahaniaeth a helpu hybu iechyd a llesiant byddaf wedi cyflawni’r hyn yr es i ati i fod. Er enghraifft, yn fy mhrosiect Exposure rwyf wedi cymhwyso rhai o egwyddorion y tair colofn Dylunio Bioffilig trwy ddefnyddio natur mewn gofod, gan ychwanegu elfennau naturiol megis planhigion at amgylchedd adeiledig a chan alluogi cymaint o lif golau naturiol a golygfeydd o natur â phosib. Rwyf wedi dewis cydweddiadau naturiol megis graeniau pren, patrymau naturiol yn ofalus mewn ardaloedd sy’n llai tebygol o elwa o’r byd y tu allan.

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