Chloe Gibson

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
  • Chloe Gibson
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  • Chloe Gibson
  • Chloe Gibson
  • Chloe Gibson
  • Chloe Gibson
  • Chloe Gibson
  • Chloe Gibson

Growing up the question ‘’Where are you from?’’ was complex for a ‘pad brat’ like myself. My reply was usually ‘’nowhere’’. Now as a designer I search for the answers through those closest to me. I am fascinated by personal history and consciously design to tell the autobiography of my family, in turn writing my own. I design to provoke feelings of joy, nostalgia, fascination, and relatability. I am curious about innovative pattern cutting whilst serious about tackling throwaway culture.

Wrth dyfu i fyny, roedd y cwestiwn ”O ble rydych chi’n dod?” yn gymhleth ar gyfer ‘brat pad’ fel fi. Roedd fy ateb fel arfer yn ‘o unman’. Nawr fel dylunydd rwy’n chwilio am yr atebion drwy’r rhai sydd agosaf ataf. Mae hanes personol a dylunio’n gydwybodol i ddweud hunangofiant fy nheulu wedi fy nghyfareddu, yn ei dro yn ysgrifennu fy un i. Rwy’n bwriadu ysgogi teimladau o lawenydd, hiraeth, diddordeb a chael eich deall. Yr wyf yn chwilfrydig ynghylch torri patrymau arloesol tra’n ddifrifol am fynd i’r afael â diwylliant tafladwy.

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