David Cabble

BSc (Hons) Product Design

Design to me is the principle of creating solutions that will ripple throughout time. Design needs to reach the heart and mind of the user. Most importantly, design must look after the user and the planet. These are the key thoughts that propel me with passion to design and create. I translate these principles using the necessary digital and physical skills to produce bodies of work, that reach these aspirations.

The work created this year represents the evolution that my design process has arrived to at the time of making. This year has really given me a boost of purpose and relevance when showing pieces of work, given how immersive each module has been.

The “Without Waste” brief has allowed me to home in my ability to effectively communicate with real-world target users to product something that has a huge positive impact upon sustainability and the way medication can be accessed by the user.

The Care Management app design allowed me to go beyond the requirements of the brief to make something that would change the way a person monitors residential clients, which added an emotional element to the answer. This brief has also allowed me to learn a new skill in digital app software, which has been very critical for understanding wireframing for digital services through application.

Finally, People Powered Prosthetics gave me the wonderful opportunity to support a wonderful cause, by designing prosthetic-adapted equipment for the user to achieve their adventurous dreams.

I mi, dylunio yw’r egwyddor o greu atebion a fydd yn atseinio drwy amser. Mae angen i ddylunio gyrraedd calon a meddwl y defnyddiwr. Yn anad dim, rhaid i ddylunio ofalu am y defnyddiwr a’r blaned. Dyma’r syniadau allweddol sy’n fy ysgogi gydag angerdd i ddylunio a chreu. Rwy’n trosi’r egwyddorion hyn gan ddefnyddio’r sgiliau digidol a chorfforol angenrheidiol i gynhyrchu cyrff o waith, sy’n cyrraedd y dyheadau hyn.

Mae’r gwaith sydd wedi’i greu eleni yn cynrychioli’r esblygiad y mae fy mhroses ddylunio wedi’i gyrraedd ar adeg ei greu. Mae eleni wedi rhoi hwb gwirioneddol i mi o ran pwrpas a pherthnasedd wrth ddangos darnau o waith, o ystyried pa mor drochol fu pob modiwl.

Mae’r briff “Heb Wastraff” wedi rhoi’r cyfle i mi gyfathrebu’n effeithiol â defnyddwyr targed go iawn i gynhyrchu rhywbeth sy’n cael effaith gadarnhaol enfawr ar gynaliadwyedd a’r ffordd y gall y defnyddiwr gael gafael ar feddyginiaeth.

Roedd dylunio’r ap Rheoli Gofal yn gyfle i mi fynd y tu hwnt i ofynion y briff i wneud rhywbeth a fyddai’n newid y ffordd y mae unigolyn yn monitro cleientiaid preswyl, gan ychwanegu elfen emosiynol at yr ateb. Mae’r brîff hwn wedi fy ngalluogi i ddysgu sgil newydd mewn meddalwedd apiau digidol hefyd, sydd wedi bod yn gwbl hanfodol ar gyfer deall y broses o greu fframiau gwifren ar gyfer gwasanaethau digidol drwy gymhwysiad.

Yn olaf, rhoddodd People Powered Prosthetics gyfle gwych i mi gefnogi achos gwych, drwy ddylunio offer prosthetig addasol fel y gall y defnyddiwr wireddu ei freuddwydion anturus.

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