Donata Zawojak

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_1 moodboard and trends
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_2 muse nad customer
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_3 fabrics and colour palette
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_4 development page
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_5 lineup double page
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_6 technical drawings double page
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_7 range plan
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_8 promotional pages
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_9 designed and crafted
  • Donata Zawojak_2149218_assignsubmission_file_10 cos

As a fashion designer I am fascinated by textures, colours and shapes in clothing that can express emotions. The concept and ideas of my collections are inspired by nature, architecture, as well as minimalistic shapes and clean lines. My graduate collection biomorphic is a combination of creative pattern cutting that highlights the silhouettes with a fresh contemporary approach to creating quality relaxed and modern timeless designs.

I would like to deliver highly comfortable clothing. This sleek loungewear collection would work seamlessly between private and public spaces using high quality fabrics. It is important to me to find the solution on customers’ requirements and to fill the gap in the fashion industry. I am very organised and always follow my dreams, keeping me inspired and motivated. Studying fashion design confirmed my passion to pattern cutting and creating garments. I would like to continue to improve and embrace the skills I have learned and become an expert in the field.

Fel dylunydd ffasiwn rwyf wedi fy nghyfareddu gan weadau, lliwiau a siapiau mewn dillad a all fynegi emosiynau. Mae cysyniad a syniadau fy nghasgliadau wedi’u hysbrydoli gan natur, pensaernïaeth, yn ogystal â siapiau minimalaidd a llinellau glân. Biomorffeg fy nghasgliad graddedig yw cyfuniad o dorri patrymau creadigol sy’n amlygu’r silwetau gydag ymagwedd gyfoes ffres at greu dyluniadau diamser esmwyth a modern o safon.

Hoffwn gyflwyno dillad hynod gyfforddus. Byddai’r casgliad dillad hamdden llyfn hwn yn gweithio’n ddi-dor rhwng gofodau preifat a chyhoeddus gan ddefnyddio ffabrig o safon. Mae’n bwysig i mi i ddod o hyd i’r ateb i ofynion cwsmeriaid ac i lenwi’r bwlch yn y diwydiant ffasiwn. Rwy’n drefnus iawn a bob amser yn dilyn fy mreuddwydion, gan gynnal fy ysbrydoliaeth a fy nghymhelliad. Bu i astudio dyluniadau ffasiwn gadarnhau fy angerdd dros dorri patrymau a chreu dillad. Hoffwn barhau i wella a chofleidio’r sgiliau yr wyf wedi’u dysgu a mynd yn arbenigwr yn y maes.

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