Georgia Smith

BA (Hons) Fashion Design
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith
  • Georgia Smith

Being an organised and motivated designer, I approach work with an enthusiastic attitude to produce innovative and creative ideas that best suit the given brief. I have developed massively, not only as a designer but also independently, as shown when given new and challenging situations which tested my abilities. Throughout my time at Cardiff Metropolitan University, I have learnt a lot; from giving professional presentations, to working in a team, and improving my pattern cutting and digital skills. Participating in live briefs and field projects allowed me to work well within a team of students in other courses, which I harnessed and used directly within my design course. Individual briefs have allowed me to creatively develop my own ideas and show that I am capable of working professionally under pressure and producing outcomes that I am proud of.

My graduate collection takes inspiration from my dad’s decision to refit a yacht and sail across the Atlantic, with a historical theme of sailors and the feeling of freedom and tranquillity of being alone at sea. The information learnt during my dissertation on challenging gender stereotypes within fashion will be carried forward into my career within the fashion industry. While completing my final year during a pandemic, it gave me the opportunity to develop a new skill-set which I will take with me into the future. I look forward to developing my career in many areas of fashion, as well as using the skills learnt while at university to constantly challenge myself.

Gan fy mod yn ddylunydd trefnus a brwdfrydig, rwy’n mynd ati i weithio gydag agwedd frwdfrydig i gynhyrchu syniadau arloesol a chreadigol sy’n gweddu orau i’r brîff a roddir. Rwyf wedi datblygu’n aruthrol, nid yn unig fel dylunydd ond hefyd yn annibynnol, fel y dangosir pan roddwyd sefyllfaoedd newydd a heriol i mi a oedd yn profi fy ngallu. Drwy gydol fy amser ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd, rwyf wedi dysgu llawer; o roi cyflwyniadau proffesiynol, i weithio mewn tîm, a gwella fy sgiliau torri patrwm a digidol. Roedd cymryd rhan mewn briffiau byw a phrosiectau maes yn fy ngalluogi i weithio’n dda o fewn tîm o fyfyrwyr mewn cyrsiau eraill, y gwnes eu harneisio a’u defnyddio’n uniongyrchol o fewn fy nghwrs dylunio.

Mae briffiau unigol wedi fy ngalluogi i ddatblygu fy syniadau fy hun yn greadigol a dangos fy mod yn gallu gweithio’n broffesiynol o dan bwysau a chynhyrchu canlyniadau yr wyf yn falch ohonynt. Mae fy nghasgliad graddedig yn cymryd ysbrydoliaeth o benderfyniad fy nhad i ailosod cwch hwylio a hwylio ar draws yr Iwerydd, gyda thema hanesyddol o forwyr a’r teimlad o ryddid a llonyddwch o fod ar eu pennau eu hunain ar y môr. Bydd y wybodaeth a ddysgwyd yn ystod fy nhraethawd estynedig ar herio stereoteipiau rhyw o fewn ffasiwn yn cael ei dwyn ymlaen i’m gyrfa yn y diwydiant ffasiwn. Wrth gwblhau fy mlwyddyn olaf yn ystod pandemig, rhoddodd gyfle i mi ddatblygu set newydd o sgiliau y byddaf yn mynd â hi gyda mi i’r dyfodol. Edrychaf ymlaen at ddatblygu fy ngyrfa mewn sawl maes ffasiwn, yn ogystal â defnyddio’r sgiliau a ddysgwyd tra yn y brifysgol i herio fy hun yn gyson.

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