Jaisy Davies

BA (Hons) Interior Design

I strongly believe that the environments that we live in profoundly affects us as individuals. Having a sense of comfort and belonging in a space can nurture us to have a healthy mindset and outlook on life. I am driven to make a difference and improve the lives of others through design, whilst simultaneously demonstrating the impact that our environment has on us.

My driving principle is to create a space that will change someones life for the better, as well as being captivating; something no one has seen before and will never forget. During any stage of the design process I allow myself to imagine how it would feel to be in the space that I am creating, and how I want it to feel for all the users of this space, but also how the clients wants it to feel. I try to express this emotion and feeling through my designs, to portray the space to the best possible standard. I have always been intrigued in how every individual feels differently when they confront a space and I want to utilise these feelings within my work.

My work aims to create something fascinating that will stand out, but also encourage an emotional response to an environment. The projects that I have been a part of have shown me that I am determined to create something profound and impactful that will change how we see our current environments; working as an individual or as part of a team.

Rwy’n credu’n gryf fod yr amgylcheddau rydym ni’n byw ynddyn nhw yn effeithio’n ddirfawr arnom fel unigolion. Gall ymdeimlad o gysur a pherthyn mewn gofod ein meithrin i gael meddylfryd a golwg iach ar fywyd. Rwy’n cael fy ysgogi i wneud gwahaniaeth a gwella bywydau pobl eraill drwy ddylunio, gan ddangos yr effaith a gaiff ein hamgylchedd arnom ni’r un pryd.

Yr egwyddor sy’n fy symbylu yw creu gofod a fydd yn newid bywyd rhywun er gwell, yn ogystal â bod yn gyfareddol; rhywbeth nad oes neb wedi’i weld o’r blaen ac na fyddant byth yn ei anghofio. Yn ystod unrhyw gam o’r broses ddylunio dwi’n caniatáu i mi fy hun ddychmygu sut y byddai’n teimlo i fod yn y gofod rwy’n ei greu, a sut rydw i am iddo deimlo i holl ddefnyddwyr y gofod, ond hefyd sut mae’r cleientiaid am iddo deimlo. Rwy’n ceisio mynegi’r emosiwn a’r teimlad hwn drwy fy nyluniadau, i bortreadu’r gofod i’r safon orau bosib. Mae sut mae pob unigolyn yn teimlo’n wahanol pan fydd yn wynebu gofod wedi fy niddori’n fawr erioed ac rydw i am ddefnyddio’r teimladau hyn yn fy ngwaith.

Nod fy ngwaith yw creu rhywbeth hynod gyfareddol a fydd yn wahanol i bopeth arall, ond sy’n annog ymateb emosiynol i amgylchedd hefyd. Mae’r prosiectau rydw i wedi bod yn rhan ohonyn nhw wedi dangos i mi fy mod i’n benderfynol o greu rhywbeth dwfn a grymus a fydd yn newid y ffordd rydym yn gweld ein hamgylcheddau presennol; gweithio fel unigolyn neu fel rhan o dîm.

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