Julie Brown

BA (Hons) Interior Design

Engagement – Empathy – Environment

Old buildings captivate me with their history and, as such, I maintain a sustained interest in the exploration and regeneration of abandoned buildings that would otherwise be condemned. My interest in anthropology, and designing with people, enables me to better understand and offer positive change in communities through my design ideas; whilst I am inspired by materials and products that go beyond aesthetics and transcend global styles.

By conducting, in-depth research, I am better able to understand buildings and potential options for future designs. I value engagement with clients and the wider community and place emphasis on understanding their needs, prioritising multi-stakeholder engagements as part of the decision-making process. Whilst assimilating their views, I believe it is important to offer client solutions beyond expectations and requirements to enable them to consider options they would perhaps have not considered possible. My background in project management provides me with a varied skill set with which to support my design process. Consequently, I have robust interpersonal and negotiating experience. I am skilled in leading and working in multi-disciplinary teams which has given me opportunities to engage with stakeholders and drive forward projects with a unified aim.

I have utilised my transferable skills to enhance my university studies and to support fellow students in my role as student representative, student mentor and as student ambassador. In the latter I have been entrusted to represent the university in various roles including speaking with potential students.

Mae hen adeiladau’n fy nghyfareddu gyda’u hanes ac, o’r herwydd, mae gen i ddiddordeb parhaus mewn archwilio ac adfywio adeiladau sydd wedi’u gadael yn segur ac y byddent yn cael eu dymchwel fel arall. Mae fy niddordeb mewn anthropoleg, a dylunio gyda phobl, yn fy ngalluogi i ddeall yn well a chynnig newid cadarnhaol mewn cymunedau drwy fy syniadau dylunio; tra fy mod yn cael fy ysbrydoli gan ddeunyddiau a chynhyrchion sy’n mynd y tu hwnt i estheteg ac yn rhagori ar arddulliau byd-eang.

Drwy gynnal ymchwil fanwl, rwy’n gallu deall adeiladau ac opsiynau posibl ar gyfer dyluniadau yn y dyfodol yn well. Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi ymgysylltu â chleientiaid a’r gymuned ehangach ac yn rhoi pwyslais ar ddeall eu hanghenion, gan flaenoriaethu ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliad lluosog fel rhan o’r broses o wneud penderfyniadau. Wrth gymhathu eu barn, rwy’n credu ei bod yn bwysig cynnig atebion i gleientiaid y tu hwnt i’w disgwyliadau a’u gofynion i’w galluogi i ystyried opsiynau na fyddent wedi’u hystyried yn bosibl o reidrwydd. Mae fy nghefndir ym maes rheoli prosiectau yn rhoi set sgiliau amrywiol i mi i gefnogi fy mhroses ddylunio. O ganlyniad, mae gen i brofiad rhyngbersonol a negodi cadarn. Rwy’n fedrus wrth arwain a gweithio mewn timau amlddisgyblaethol sydd wedi rhoi cyfleoedd i mi ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid a datblygu prosiectau gyda nod unedig.

Rydw i wedi defnyddio fy sgiliau trosglwyddadwy i wella fy astudiaethau prifysgol ac i gynorthwyo cyd-fyfyrwyr yn fy rôl fel cynrychiolydd myfyrwyr, mentor myfyrwyr ac fel llysgennad myfyrwyr. Fel llysgennad, mae pobl wedi ymddiried ynof i gynrychioli’r brifysgol mewn gwahanol rolau gan gynnwys siarad â darpar fyfyrwyr.

• https://julesbrowndesign.wordpress.com
• https://www.instagram.com/juliebrowndesign/
• https://twitter.com/JulieBDesigner

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