Rachael Eley

BA (Hons) Fine Art

My work is performance based with specific focus on my body in movement. By engaging in the moment of performance, my work is responsive to my thoughts and emotions of the given time. The physicality of my performances through drawing and the movement of my body leaves a record of my presence. This record of physicality aims to mark the time and emotions of that moment as an experience of importance.

Performing my series of “Designated Space” work demonstrates the planned process of performing in a specific place and with specific thoughts. Using my thoughts, I direct my performances to be fuelled by my emotions, which otherwise would remain contained in my mind. The experience of taking time and being present can transform these emotions into actions and mark making. It is this containment of time, body and mind which can be best communicated through performance art, allowing the moment and experiences of artist and audience to become interwoven.

Seilir fy ngwaith ar berfformiad gyda ffocws penodol ar fy nghorff wrth symud. Drwy ymwneud ag eiliad y perfformiad, mae fy ngwaith yn ymatebol i’m meddyliau ac emosiynau ar adeg benodol. Mae corfforoldeb fy mherfformiadau drwy ddarlunio a symudiad fy nghorff yn gadael cofnod o fy mhresenoldeb. Bwriad y cofnod corfforoldeb yma yw nodi amser ac emosiynau’r eiliad honno fel profiad o bwys.

Mae perfformio fy nghyfres o waith “Gofod Penodol” yn dangos y broses berfformio gynlluniedig mewn man penodol ac â meddyliau penodol. Drwy ddefnyddio fy meddyliau, rwy’n cyfeirio fy mherfformiadau i gael eu gyrru gan fy emosiynau, a fyddai fel arall yn cael eu cadw yn fy meddwl. Gall y profiad o gymryd amser a bod yn bresennol drawsffurfio’r emosiynau yma’n weithredoedd a chreu marc. Y cyfyngiad hwn ar amser, corff a meddwl y gellir ei gyfathrebu orau drwy gelfyddyd perfformio, gan ganiatáu i foment a phrofiadau artist a chynulleidfa gydblethu.

• https://reley18.wixsite.com/website

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