Raluca Apostu

BA (Hons) Interior Design

Raluca Georgiana Apostu

I believe that any built space should evoke a certain atmosphere and should be able to speak for itself. My ethos is grounded in the concept of phenomenology – how people feel when they encounter spaces, how spaces are perceived by touch and smell, or what kind of associations, mental images or memories they evoke.

I always begin with a strong mental image of how a space should be, how it should feel and how it could generate a sense of space. I focus more on materiality, light and details, as I believe these sculpt the atmosphere of a place. My intention is to create sensible spaces with a clear identity, that can be experienced with all the human senses and which can hopefully positively influence the human experience.

Rydw i‘n credu y dylai unrhyw ofod adeiledig greu awyrgylch arbennig a dylai siarad drosto’i hun. Cysyniad ffenomenoleg ydy sail fy ethos sef sut mae pobl yn teimlo wrth ddod ar draws mannau, y modd y canfyddir mannau drwy gyffwrdd ac arogli neu’r cysylltiadau, y delweddau meddyliol neu’r atgofion sy‘n dod i‘r cof.

Rydw i‘n cychwyn bob amser gyda delwedd feddyliol gadarn o sut dylai man fod, sut dylai deimlo a sut gallai greu synnwyr o ofod. Rydw i‘n ffocysu mwy ar fateroliaeth, golau a manylion gan mod i’n credu mai’r rhain sy’n sefydlu awyrgylch lle. Fy mwriad ydy creu mannau synhwyrol, amlwg eu pwrpas sy’n apelio at yr holl synhwyrau a fydd, gobeithio, yn effeithio’n bositif ar brofiad pobl.


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